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It had been about three hours that Michael has been sitting there at Jeremy's house, he managed to calm down his breathing but he didn't calm Who's thoughts or emotions. Michael had a enough and decided to call Jeremy's father, he prayed to any and every god he could think of that his father would answer "maybe Jeremy just with his father, Yeah obviously, he's with his father, duh!" Michael thought to himself as Mr. Heere answered

"Hello Michael, was there something you needed?" Jeremy's father asked. "Hi Doug! I was wondering if by chance Jeremy was with you?" Michael asked trying to keep his voice calm, he was hoping for his life that Jeremy was just with his father, but it was terrifying to hear Mr. Heere reply back with "oh, no Jeremy's no with me, I thought he'd be with you" Doug replied back sounding a little confused.

"H-He's not with me...Jeremy left at lunch upset because of a video, I didn't know about the video until after school but I cannot find Jeremy, I'm here at the house and he's not here so I assumed he was with you, I tried calling him but he didn't answer" Michael stuttered absolutely terrified and his voice shaking. Soon the teen male's thoughts turned to horrible thoughts about Jeremy.

"Okay Michael stay calm, I'll be there in a couple minutes" Mr. Heere said and hung up the phone. He rushed back to his house


Jeremy's been driving with Roy for about 2 hours now and has been making a little small talk every once in a while, but that uneasy feeling wouldn't leave him. Jeremy just assumed that he's just being paranoid for no reason.

Soon the car started making unnatural noises, "I think I'm gonna have to check that out, could you go to the back and of the truck and get my toolbox for me Jeremy?" Roy asked Jeremy turning to him.

"Uh...sure, it's unlocked right?" Jeremy asked looking at Roy. He simply nodded opening the door, Jeremy nodded in response getting out and going to the back of the the truck. The young boy heading out to the back opening the cover to find no toolbox. "Um...Roy I can't seem to find a toolbo-" he was saying before being hit in the head, Jeremy fell back into Roy's arms going unconscious.

When Jeremy's father arrived back home Michael told him about what happened and showed him the video Rich and Jake recorded. His turned to one of disgust "that's one fucked up joke to pull on someone, so Jeremy left after that?" Doug asked Michael turning to him.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did, I didn't see him in any other class after lunch. I called him so many times and he never answered, so after school I ran here to see if he just ditched class or didn't feel well, but when I arrived he wasn't here" Michael said sadness dripping from his voice and tears filling his eyes.

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