🥀 15 🥀

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"My brother works at broader control so I might be able to help you out. You'll have to come with me though...I know you might be scared to...since What happened but...just know I only have good intentions...I mean I'm pretty sure you're 17, and well I'm 15 and a lot weaker than you so you have nothing to worry about. But if I do something that makes you uncomfortable or scared please tell me" Naomi said her face really close to his.

"I...Okay" Jeremy hesitantly, the young boy didn't know if he could trust her but what else was he suppose to do? Go to the police explaining the whole story? What if he went to jail! That was a risk he was not willing to take.

"Perfect, come with me" Naomi said taking his hand and taking Jeremy out of the house. She pulled out a pair of keys and unlocked her friends car.

"Wait! You're only 15 so you can't even drive yet and that's not even your car!" Jeremy whispered yelled to the younger woman. She rolled her eyes turning to Jeremy.

"If it's such a problem, go ask my friend if it's fine if I take his car. By the way he's the one that's a pot leaf" Naomi said to him. "Dose that work?" She asked, Jeremy nodded heading inside.

When he got inside he found the guy right away, the young boy walked up to the guy who was dressed up as a pot leaf. "U-Um...Naomi was wondering if she could borrow your car?" He asked getting A little intimidated by her friend.

He looked up his eyes red and a joint in his hand "which Naomi? The one that was Heather Duke? By the way this is Roy, just trying to make sure you're not confused with someone else little dude" Roy explained to him.

The second Jeremy heard toys name it sent mad shivers down his back shaking slightly. He was absolutely terrified "ma-maybe? I d-don't kn-know" The young males voice cracking and stuttering like crazy.

"Oh what's wrong dude? You okay?" The other teen asked getting up, he was a lot taller than the young boy. Jeremy took a slight step back.

"L-Like Roy is your first name?" The shorter male could barely get the words out. His hands were shaking and his breath heave as Thousand bricks.

"Yeah, well technically my name is Roy Jr. but yeah that is my name. Woah there kid you're shaking...what's wrong?" Roy Jr. asked Jeremy putting his hand on his shoulder.

"S-So your Dads name is Roy?" He asked softly praying that his kidnapper Roy wasn't this mans father.

"Yeah, I'm suppose to see him this weekend. He lives in this really rad olden house" he explained nodding his head.

"Like...like a house built in the 70s?" Jeremy asked hoping that the answer wasn't going to be a yes, if it was his worst fear would be confirmed.

"Uh yeah, how did you know? Ah, you must know him correct?" Roy asked, Jeremy replied with a soft nod.

"W-Well kinda, but is it f-fine if Naomi borrows your car?" Jeremy asked trying not to think about that fact that he murdered Roy Jr's dad.

"Yeah go for it, well it was nice meeting you" he said sitting down. The young male felt only more horrible by the fact that his son was nice.

"I'm so sorry" Jeremy whispered softly on his way out.


Michael threw the pillow in anger, he screamed falling to his knees and banged his hands against the ground sobbing. Soon the young man got up slamming his drawer open and closed while getting a joint of pot.

He stormed out going to the junkyard where him and Jeremy got high to together. Michael raced over there lighting up his joint, he walked around while taking a few puffs.

The young teenager looked around the junkyard, thinking of the now bittersweet memories that they sheared together. Soon rage and bitterness filled Michael's soul.

The young teen saw a baseball bat in the corner of his eye. He sprinted over to it picking it up examining it. But it only made his need for wrath more passionate. "Why did it have to be him!?" Michael screamed hitting an old wooden chair breaking it into pieces.

"Jeremy never did anything wrong! He didn't deserve this! Why the fuck did it have to be him!?!" Michael sobbed sizzling tears flooding down his face.



Jeremy leaned on the window guilt suffocating him, he could barely process that fact that he murdered someone with a son? What if the money he got from selling Jeremy was going to Roy's children? The You boy felt even worse about himself.

Soon he felt the car stop, Jeremy flinched not expecting the so sudden stop. "I'll be back in a second, Okay?" Naomi asked Jeremy. He replied with a simple nod watching her leave, he put his knees to his chest. The young boy would cry but he couldn't bring himself to do anything, soon Naomi came back with a suitcase and a backpack "here you go" she said passing the items to the young teenage male "the backpack you'll need to give it to my brother, but keep the suitcase Okay? It just has some stuff I wanted to give to you" Naomi said with a smile.

"Y-You don't have to" he said softly.

"I want to, anyway let's get going" Naomi said driving off to the train station. Jeremy said nothing biting his lip to the point it was bruising. But soon enough they arrived at the train station. Naomi got out first and told Jeremy "Wait here, I'll be back in a second" Jeremy nodded as she walked talking to some guy that had purple hair. The Young woman gestured for Jeremy to come out.

The Young teen got out of the car walking up to Naomi and her brother. He made her to bring the bag and suitcase, "Hey...so you're Jeremy?" He asked his voice deep and mysterious as the great giant ocean.

"Names Vincent, pass me that backpack" Vincent said gesturing his head towards the bag. Jeremy looked over to Naomi as she nodded the young boy passed the all black strange bag to the man in his mid-twenties. Vincent opened the bag quickly looking around in it, Jeremy could see the bottles of alcohol and some pills in a baggy. "Okay, it's legit. Get in the train little boy, I won't be able to take you to New Jersey but I will be taking you into the sates. Kay?" He asked.

"Uh...Y-Yeah, Okay" Jeremy stuttered, he was finally getting home. At the moment he couldn't properly react or express the emotions he would due to all the events that have happened but he will, eventually.

"Okay, so just get into the train. You'll be able to skip security since I'll be escorting you to the train that I'm driving, here's you ticket Heere" the man said handing him his ticket.

"Th-Thank you, both of you. This means so much to me. So truly thank you" Jeremy said softly his voice gentle.

"No problem" Naomi said hugging Jeremy, he flinched but hugged her back "I want to do this kind of work when I graduate so it's some early practice. Plus you're family is worried sick about you" Naomi said.

"I only did it for the booze but I mean, it's cool you're going back to your family" Vincent mumbled. "Now you two love birds break it up! I gotta take this little boy to the train early" Vincent said getting inpatient.

"I don't like people" Naomi mumbled, "but I know I'll probably never see you again but, have a good life and stay safe" she said patting his back.

"Yeah, you stay safe as well. Goodbye!" Jeremy said with a soft smile, he waved getting on the train and she waved back as Jeremy sat in his seat.

Jeremy looked into his pocket pulling out a picture of him and Michael together.

"I can't wait to see you, Michael. I love you" Was whispered softly.

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