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After some amount of time Jeremy had woken up in the back of the truck without his hands tied together. He began to panic instantly, the young boy tried to scream but his mouth was duct taped. He could feel tears fall down his face as he rolled around in the back uncontrollably.


"Officer, What do you mean we have to wait 24 hours before we can file a missing person report? What if Jeremy isn't even alive at that point?" Michael asked enraged.

"I'm very sorry sir but we can't make a report until it's been 24 hours since he disappeared. I wish there was something we could do but I'm afraid we can't yet" the officer told the two other males.

"We understand, officer Dean" Mr. Heere said with a disappointed sigh. "Have a good night officer" he said as the police officer left. After that Michael started to walk home, he couldn't get his mind off of Jeremy and If was safe or not, or if he was even alive.

Michael went a short walk around, going to places that him and his player 2 went. It was bittersweet to remember everything, Michael would do anything to have Jeremy here with him, he'd sell his soul. Michael eventually got home a 1am, he parents didn't notice him going upstairs


In the morning Michael went to school nearly late, he was up all night because he couldn't get his mind off of Jeremy and If he's even alive. He walked through the metal doors going into a place Jeremy once called hell, Michael headed to his locker getting his books. Player one thought about how him and Jeremy use to meet up at his locker in the morning. Michael let out a soft sigh as the bell shrieks for him to go to class.

When period came around Michael went straight to Christine's table, "I hope you heartless fucks are happy, Jeremy went missing because of your fucking stupid prank!" Michael yelled slamming his hand on the table.

Christine couldn't believe the words that came out his mouth, there's no way that Jeremy actually went missing because of the heinous prank right? Well what shocked her more is what Jake said "it was just a harmless prank, he'd have to be certainly pathetic for that to happen" Jake said with a chuckle.

"Wow, that's what you say when you may have caused something's death? You're the pathetic one, Fuck you!" He yelled leaving the cafeteria. Christine couldn't process what she had just heard, Jeremy went missing because of her. She didn't mean for this to happen, Christine just wanted to have friends and be popular, but was this the price she had to pay?

"Okay, Fine, I'll let you go to the bathroom while I get gas but don't you dare try anything, and if you're not out by the time I'm finished I'm fucking going in" Roy said in a harsh and crude tone, Jeremy nodded as his kidnapper untied him.

Jeremy got up watching Roy go into the gas station, the young boy quickly went into the bathroom. When he got in he saw one of the most revolting bathroom he's ever seen in his life, Jeremy sucked it up as he noticed a window by the toilet. He stepped on to the toilet seat trying to keep his balance, Jeremy managed to get the window open.

He went through the window landing in a bush, when Jeremy got up he felt pain in his right ankle. The young male winced feeling the pain, but he managed to limp to the truck. Luckily the door was unlocked, so Jeremy quickly got his bag and tried to make a run for it, he collapsed because of his ankle injury "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Roy asked. Jeremy froze

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