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Jeremy was walking to the next town as it was close to noon, the sun was as high as him and Michael would use to get. Which Jeremy and him would...soon, as soon Jeremy got back he'd do anything with Michael, hell he'd even go bungee jumping and Jeremy was deathly afraid of heights so course that seems shocking.

Soon the young boy was at another close by town and exhausted. You may ask yourself why Jeremy had gotten so tired so quickly, well not only did he barely sleep on the train ride but he was also very out of shape, very thin but very very very weak.

But it could be a lot worse.

He could be Roy Jr.


Michael was slowly starting to accept that Jeremy was truly and forever gone, did he miss Jeremy? More than anything in the world, but he was coming to terms that no matter what he Dose he can't make Jeremy come back. It hurt Michael with the power of a million stabs but that was the hideous truth. Jeremy was fovea gone.

But Rich was there to help Michael get through this, could Rich every replace Jeremy? Absolutely not, never could anything or anyone replace that hole that Jeremy left but that doesn't mean that rich can't be a supporting friend for Michael in his time of despair. But if Michael was honest, apart of him never wanted to get over Jeremy, in his eyes it seemed rude to just get over the fact that Jeremy was dead. But that's what everyone else wanted him to do, so did he really have a choice? Not really. So Michael went to school and saw Rich waited at his locker like a small sweet little puppy "good morning Michael" The small teen with a faded fire red strike that was almost out greeted his new friend with nerdy glasses.

"Morning Rich" The much taller male greeted back with the same amount of politeness as the shorter one did. Rich smiled at Michael, and Michael gave a slight smile back.

"How was your night? Do you need to talk about anything?" Rich asked trying to help Michael, you'd think that Rich wouldn't normally do this but ever since Michael gave him Mountain dew red and the events of Jeremy going missing Rich has tried to Better himself as a person and fix the problems he had created. Michael was proud of Rich trying to be a better person than he was before and that Rich was trying to fix his mistakes. Which of course Rich wasn't going to be able to fix what he did to Jeremy but...

At least he didn't kill someone.

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