🥀 11 🥀

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Michael answered his telephone to hear Rich greet him with "Michael! Did you hear what happened last night?" Rich asked sounding shocked.

"Um no...what happened? My parents said for me not to go to school and they wouldn't tell me why...dose the school have something to do with it?" Michael replied with a question.

"Christine killed herself! She somehow got herself to the roof and jumped off! I heard it was gory, so schools cancelled for an investigation" Rich answered Michael's question.

"Oh god..." Michael whispered softly into the phone, never in his life did he expect the Christine to take her own life. Rich went on and on about what happened.

Which sadly Rich wasn't telling some fucked up joke, Christine indeed took her is life last night. She snuck out at 11 then got a ladder and climbed up to the roof if the school, in her mind she was making peace with Jeremy for what she had caused. Even though Jeremy was alive, but she didn't know that. No one did.

Christine's parents were bawling when they were the tragic news about their only child, a lot of the students didn't talk about it but deep down they felt horrible about it.


Soon Jeremy was out of the house and walking into town, he was very far from home. The young male asked around about what day it was and it was already Halloween, Jeremy remembered that him and Michael made plans to sneak into Jake's party but of course he wasn't going to be able to.

Jeremy walked into a local 711 looking around to get a bottle of water, but while he was doing that he could over here a conversation.

"That sounds like a horrible idea, there's no fucking way we're inviting that random guy" a short male stated.
"Oh come on, he looks mysterious and cool, plus it's Halloween we should invite as many people as possible" a young woman said as she walked up to Jeremy.

"Hey there~" she said wrapping her arm around Jeremy "how would you be in be interested in going to a Halloween party with us fella?" She asked getting close to him.


Michael and Rich ended up hanging out together for Halloween, because Jake canceled his party way back because Jeremy went missing.

So Michael and the shorter teen just ended up watching a movie and talking, sometimes about Jeremy other times not. Michael learned more about the squip and what is was doing, he doesn't really blame Rich for listening to since it could hurt him.

"Wow, so...you didn't actually want to go through with that prank or want to bully us" Michael asked turning to face the boy with a squip.

"YES! I never wanted to do those things, I just had to. So I'm so so so sorry Michael" Rich apologized looking back at him.

"Rich...I can't forgive you for everything right now...but I probably will in the future, this is just a lot to take in right now. First Jeremy hose missing and now is most likely dead, Christine takes her life, and I find out you were forced by dangerous technology to harass Jeremy and I" Michael explained turning so he was on his back.

"I understand Michael...I can't even imagine what you're going through right now, so I do understand you need time and I'll respect that" Rich said with a light nod.

"Thank you"

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