Rockabye (Part 1)

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Long time no see 😁
Sorry for not writing sooner it's just I had school work, my birthday and all that jazz.... ANYWAY LET'S GET TO THE STORY


Call it love and devotion
Call it the mom's adoration (foundation)
A special bond of creation, hah
For all the single mums out there
Going through frustration
Clean Bandit, Sean-Da-Paul, Anne-Marie, sing, make them hear


"Mommy, where is daddy?", said a tiny child that resembled the chaotic dream demon Bill Cipher,"Daddy went to a place that is far away from here", I tell my child without having a mental breakdown.'Why can't you be here for me and your child Bill?! And I know you can hear me you monster!', I thought. Ever since, Dipper and Mabel defeated Bill from the end of the world, I ended up getting pregnant with Bill's child. (GET SOME 😂)

She works the night, by the water
She's gonna stress, so far away from her father's daughter
She just wants a life for her baby
All on her own, no one will come
She's got to save him (daily struggle)

"Wake up (Y/C/N)! You have to get ready for school don't you want to meet new friends?", I asked (Y/C/N). As soon as I said that, (Y/C/N) perked up to the word friends and said, "Yes mommy!", As (he/she) ran to (his/her) closet to grab some clothes. I chuckled as I watched (him/her) dash around the room getting ready for school. I then went to my room to get myself ready for work,'First day as a (Y/D/J)', I thought to myself as I dialed my friend (Y/F/N)'s number to ask if (she/he) could watch (Y/C/N) while I'm at work. 'Being a single mother is hard, But I can handle this.', I thought to myself as I heard (Y/F/N)'s voice through the phone.

(Y/F/N): Hello?
(Y/N): Hey (Y/F/N), Can you do me a favor and watch (Y/C/N) for me? I got night shift tonight..again 😒
(Y/F/N): Sure why not 😊
(Y/N): Thank you so much! 😄
(Y/F/N): No problem, anything for a friend 🤗
(Y/N) : I gotta go drop (Y/C/N) off at school (school ends @ 2:00) and head to work. Again thank you for your help 😊
(Y/F/N): Again no problem 😁
(Y/N) : Ok gtg bye 😉
(Y/F/N) : Bye 😄

I then put my phone back in my pocket and went upstairs to go check on (C/N) to see if (He/She) was ready. "(C/N), are you ready to go?", I said as I peeked inside (His/Her) room, "Almoooost there mommy", (Y/C/N) said as (He/She) were struggling with something at the moment, "Ok, Let me know when you're ready to go, ok?", I said while walking away from the bedroom door, "Ok mommy!", (Y/C/N) yells as (He/She) get their things together for school.

She tells him "ooh love"
No one's ever gonna hurt you, love
I'm gonna give you all of my love
Nobody matters like you (stay up there, stay up there)
She tells him "your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life (straight)
You're gonna grow and have a good life
I'm gonna do what I've got to do" (stay up there, stay up there)


I then pulled up to the school, "Alright (C/N/N) are you ready for school?", I asked (Y/C/N) as I smiled at (him/her). (Y/C/N) then nodded and said, "Yes mommy.". (He/She) then asked you-you the question, "Why did daddy leave us without telling us", (He/She) asked with tears in (His/Her) eyes. I could tell that (Y/C/N) was crushed about not being able to see (his/her) father...., "Aww... Baby don't cry", I said as I frowned while looking at (Y/C/N). 'Look at this Bill, Don't you feel ashamed of yourself, Bill', I thought to myself knowing that he could be anywhere and could hear me. I then park the car and proceed to get out of my car going to (Y/C/N) side to get (Him/Her) out of their car seat and collect their backpack.

So, Rockabye baby, Rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don't you cry
Somebody's got you
Rockabye baby, Rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don't you cry
Rockabye, no (Rockabye-rocka-rocka-rocka-bye) (oh)
Rockabye, yeah, yeah (Rockabye-rocka-rocka-rocka-bye)


I pulled up to my workplace and turned off the car's engine and walked into the building. "Another day, yet another reason why I cry myself to sleep". I then proceeded to walk towards the reception area where I found my other best friend Izuku (If understand this then kudos to you. I love him soon much!❣️💍), "Hey Zuku, how's it going", Izuku then turned around and waved, "Oh H-hey (Y/N/N)", I then spotted a ring on his finger, "Izuku where'd you get that ring?!", "O-oh this I-i proposed to A-author-chan (No one shall know my name hehe) l-last night", Izuku said blushing profusely, "I'm so proud of you Zuku!", "Th-thanks a-anyway how's (Y/C/N)?", I stopped smiling and began to frown, "(Y/C/N) has been crying lately and she/he won't stop asking that question", Izuku froze understanding what I meant by that. "Oh wow.. D-do you need any help with (Y/C/N)?", Izuku said, "No I'm good, anyways let's get to work before our boss finds out.", I said trying to change the subject. "Y-yeah.", Izuku said agreeing with me....

End of Part 1 of Rockabye

1023 words

I'm sooooooo sorry for not updating I'll try to keep this book updated for you guys

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I'm sooooooo sorry for not updating
I'll try to keep this book updated for you guys.

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