three hangry rants

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okokok so an essay on jellie


so pretty much jack has a girlfriend called ellie but you probably all know that by now because it's ALL over Instagram.

pretty much someone exposed her group chats, which first of all is a very bad thing to do, but, i guess jack needed to know (notice how i said JACK not the WHOLE FUCKING FANDOM). in the group chats she called finn hot and whatever, i don't actually know which messages are real at this point in time because so many people fake them. so she called finn hot or whatever and there was some messages that were 'exposed' of her calling him 'sooo fine', and that she'd leave jack for him. i don't know if that last bit is true. but ellie confessed that she called finn hot.

if she DID say all those things ect, that makes me really mad bc she must know that like EVERY SINGLE TEEN ACTOR they don't want to be sexualised so obviously he's going to get mad. and YES you are allowed to think that, but girl keep it to yourself and don't over exaggerate what you're saying, especially when you have a boyfriend who is finn's own friend.

and dude i think jack and finn are already going through a lot rn with jack's show being cancelled and all that shit about finn 'not stopping for fans' (stay tuned for that)

second of all, the dude who exposed the chats is a right goon because you only send them to people who need to know. this is coming from someone who loves a bit of banter. what happens between jack and ellie needs to stay between jack and ellie and not for a whole fandom to try and sort out. because at the end of the day it is not our problem. it's called privacy.

if you've faked some dms as well, you're only fueling the fire. congrats because you played yourself. think about it: you're getting mad because ellie fucked with finn and jack's feelings (which is completely wrong in itself), and then you're exposing fake dms and making everyone else mad, and then it just goes back and forth. and, i can't believe i'm having to stick up for ellie, but, she has to deal with all this shit of people believing fake things. this is what makes a toxic fandom, guys, come on.

if you've posted some of these chats, dude, you're okay. i don't agree with what you're doing but i understand why you're doing it. you are allowed to. it's okay to post them on shit like here because they can't see them. it's just the people who post the dms and tag them in it like sorry chum but they don't wanna see it. you can repost them, just, please, keep it away from jack, ellie and finn. i think all of them are going through a lot right now.

yo fellas and that takes me into rant two

MY DUDES, FINN, OR ANY OTHER ACTOR, DON'T HAVE TO STOP FOR ANYONE. i don't care who you are. i don't care if you're the fucking queen, if they don't want to stop, they don't have to.

they already have to deal with insane fans and paparazzi (papa-paparazzi). i don't mean every single fan, by the way. just the ones who think they have the right to torment them. what is your literal problem? i don't understand how you don't get the concept of personal space. they have a life too, news flash honey. you understand that young actors can get overwhelmed by these psycho numnuts? you know they can experience panic and anxiety attacks like other human beings?

can these fellas not go to Tesco and pick up their daily bread without being swarmed and crushed under a pile of sweaty men with cameras and screaming fangirls and fangirls. i don't think they appreciate a ménage à million thank you very much.

if you ever think you have the right to harass these kids (but to be honest, they're not kids) then first of all leave earth but not prior to me banana splitting you in half.

another quick thing is that yes, they are very mature kids but they are still kids. these psycho assholes understand that right? they're honestly being forced to grow up so fast.

andddd rant three

you know what really grinds my gears? sexualising children. honestly i will tear you a new asshole. stop calling them daddy as well.

okay so i accept the fact you fellas like ships such as fack, fillie, ect ect but i mean dudes please do not go rubbing it in their face.

of course they don't like to be shipped, but please, i beg of you, don't go and harass them about the ships please. they've already said it's weird to be shipped. like keep the ship stuff within yourself or/and where they can't see it.

okay also i hate hate hate with a burning passion magazines nowdays, cough cough, the one with millie. ya'll know what i'm on about.

basically this wing nut magazine called millie one of the sexiest girls of the month? year? idk i forgot. but i actually didn't believe it first, because, um, update, millie is thirteen!?  comprade yes okay she's pretty i admit that but sexy? google it, it means seductive and inviting. hmm.

so if you take btec h&sc you know that adolescence starts from age 11 through 18. do the math sugar, it means she's closer to being a child than an early adult. you do understand that you DO NOT say that about a child, or even people who feel uncomfortable with being sexualised, and being called names like that. because it can really bring someone down, and not up. even if millie approved it, it's still a bit creepy that she was even being chose to be put on there.

fun fact, if i was called sexy; like dude yeah how flattering thanks but that would really make me want to hide myself so no one else would think of me that way. it would honestly make me feel unsafe out there and make me cringe that people are actually like that out there. i can't imagine what it would feel like to have that association spread across a whole fanbase. bc some people will look at that magazine and thinks she actually likes shit like that.

most of the fans (nearly all of them) are fucking amazing and support them. dude you are only a fake fan when you say you like these shows and movies but don't actually watch/support it and only like the actors. my friends we all love a bit of finn wolfhard and sadie sink and fack but please don't haRASS THEM OR I WILL BUST U HOE

thank you wembely and goodnight

you also do know there's a song called fack right? don't look at the lyrics though please oh god

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