Eleanor Is Just Not A Name

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Eleanor's POV

" Thank you." one of my fans said as we met in the shopping mall and she recognized me and asked for a selfi.

" You are welcome, dear." I said.

" You are so cute, God bless you." She said crossing her heart then smiled and threw me an air kiss before leaving.

" Bye, you are more cute. Love you so much." I said and there you go her face lit up at once.

" See you soon in Toronto concert. I have got a ticket. My boyfriend got me one. I am excited." She jumped. " Bye, see you Nightingale." She left.

I sighed. She made me miss my boyfriend. He is too busy with his works these days. I let him have his time. Cause, my dad and Edwin both said he will be alright. I trust it. But there are some time I get too much tensed. He doesn't take any calls and just shuts himself for days. Then I need to call his family and then I get any news of him. But yeah, he sends me flowers, chocolates, other things I love. But the thing I loved the most that he fails to present me is he himself. I just sighed heavily.

I put my hand over my crying heart. " I miss you so much." I said to myself remembering Steffan. His absence was killing me. That day we went on a date was really one of the best day of my life. I never enjoyed that much with my friends but with him it's different. I took out my phone and dialled his number which was switched off. I sighed. I again dialled a number and waited for the person to pick up the call.

" Elliiiiieeeeeee!!!!!!!" I heard the cheery voice of Stella which made me chuckle.

" Hey, little girl." I said.

" Hey, I am not little. I am almost 19." She said. This girl is always a cute charming girl. But when she is in savage mood hell will be frozen.

" You are a little girl for me." I said. She sighed and I controlled my laughter.

" Ok, fine you can call me that." She said.

" Alright, where is your brother?" I asked softly.

" At home actually. Sleeping right now." Stella said.

" He came back from France?!" I asked. He is utterly ignoring me. It is stabbing me to the end.

" Yes, last night." She said.

" Alright. I am going to leave for Canada tonight, you know Concert in Toronto." I said.

" I am also going. No worries. I will join you I guess if I am done with my photoshoot today." Stella said.

" You got tickets? I thought it sold out." I said.

" What do you think, Ellie. I am Stella Anderson." Stella said and I chuckled. I chuckled too.

" Give me a call or report at 10:00 PM if you are joining me." I said.

" Alright, I will. Have you have anything to tell Steffan?" She asked.

" No, nothing. Let him work peacefully. I know he is very busy and he will contact me once he is done with his works." I said.

" You are very understanding person. I love you more now." Stella said and I wiped the single tear slipped on my cheek.

" Yeah, I love him, Stella. I have to understand him, right? I am trying. I am still new to this feelings but yeah I will get use with this." I said softly.

" You are a nice woman. I know you both will be very happy together. I know you guys are meant to be together." Stella said and that made me smile widely.

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