An Unexpected Friend

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Eleanor's POV

" Why haven't you eaten?" The kidnapper asked me.

" I don't have appetite. You yourself eat and get out of the room." I said in a pissed off tone.

" Watch your tone. I am amazed by your courage." He said and I ignored him.

" From where did you get this attitude!?" He asked.

" Why will I tell you?" I asked in a duh tone.

" I wish I had met you before." He said and I looked at him is a disgusting way.

" By the way, you are talented I am also a fan but not like crazy. I love your music. You have a sweet voice." He said.

" Thank you for the compliments." I said and looked away.

" This attitude is not helping you. Is it?" He asked.

" Do I look like I care?" I asked.

" You turn is an annoying witch now." He said.

" Excuse me, you killer. I don't have any mood to talk with a idiot like you." I said.

" Alright, going." He said and went away. I sighed.

" Stupid, Crazy psycho." I mumbled.

I thanked him in mind that he opened my legs. My hands were opened too but then again tied it.

" What's this place?!" I asked myself. I stood up and started to walk inside it. There are so many things most are like old cars and vehicles. I was wondering is this a garage or what!?

" Yes, it's a garage but it's abandoned." I heard a voice came from my right side. I was so shocked and scared. I was about to scream but he gestured me to zip up my mouth before I could scream so I stop in the middle.

" Very good now close your mouth or else you will catch flies." He said and I immediately closed my mouth.

" Who are you now?" I asked annoyingly.

" You don't need to know who am I, but shove it in your skull that I am not any of them. I am here to help you." He said and I stood in front of him.

I found he is a guy around my age. He was pale and had an extremely bright blue eyes with brown hair. You can say he is a hell dashing guy. I don't know why but I was getting a feeling that I have seen him somewhere.

But where have I seen him!!!! I wasn't able to remember. Shit!!! I lost my brain too.

" Helping me?!!!" I asked.

" Yeah, helping you." He said.

" Why will help me?" I asked him.

" There is a valid reason but I can't tell you now." He said.

" Well, how can I believe you?" I asked.

" You have to trust me. I am not here to harm you at all." He said.

" Who are you?" I asked.

" I can't tell you now." He said.

" Who sent you?" I asked.

" Is it necessary to know?" He asked.

" Of course, it is." I said looking into his eyes. He looked at me and sighed.

" Actually, no one sent me. I saw Stella crying I asked her what happened to her she said that you got kidnapped. Then I told my men to get information about you anyhow. And I got it you are here. So, I came to meet you." He said and I frowned at first then smirked.

" Stella has a boyfriend!!! Oh!! She never told me." I said to myself.

" No, we are just friends." He said and I looked at him raising one of my eyebrows.

" For a friend you risked your life!?? I don't believe it. So, stop fooling me. Didn't you know that they can kill you if they get you?! Still you came, because man, you must feel something about her. Stop denying. I am not a fool." I said firmly.

" It's not a time to discuss about my feelings." He said annoyingly.

" So, it's time to discuss about my wedding day right?! You know I am going to be married in 4 months that's exciting." I mocked him.

" You will get married only when you will get out of here. That's what I was saying. That's why I am here. To help you." He said to me.

" Really?! Then what are we waiting for?! Let's go." I said.

" It isn't that easy. You have to wait. I was here to see if you are ok or not. I need to inform Edwin and Steffan too." He said.

" Won't you take me with you?! I thought you will take me out. It's almost two days I have last seen my family." I said.

" It's been years I have last seen mine." He said.

" Hey, you can go to them once we are out of here." I said.

" But I won't take you with me now. You know I can but, I want to expose that bustard in front of everyone. Then he will ruin in hell." He said firing was burning in his eyes.

" But what if he kills me before you come back?" I said.

" I will be back within 24 hours." He said.

" But still." I was hesitating.

" You can trust me like you trust Stella. If you are the reason of her smile I will definitely take you back to her to make her happy again." He said and looked away.

" I have to go now. And don't worry. He won't even touch you. He can feel where he will be if he does." He said.

" Do you know anything about my family?! How are they doing now?" I asked.

" Do you think they will be in a good state?" He asked back and I shook my head.

" Then?!" He asked and I was silent.

" Can I know your name?" I asked.

" It's not important." He said.

" It is." I said.

" I will tell you after I rescue you. You will remember me right?" He asked.

" Of course, I will never ever forget you. Are we friends then!?" I asked and extended my hand. He looked at me then my hand and shook it in a very gentle way.

" Thank you for coming to see me risking your life." I said.

" You are welcome and keep this." He handed me over a gun.

" Why this?!" I was hesitating to take it.

" Keep it Stewart." He gave it to me. " Hide it" he said and I knelt then put it in my shoe and hide it under my trouser.

" And don't hesitate to shot if you find anything wrong. It's loaded anyway and shot in head. There is no need to waste two bullets to kill one when you yourself need to safe your existence." He said.

I was shocked by his statement. He is acting so cruel. But why?!

" I will go now. Take care." He said. " And I promise I will be back within 24 hours. I give you my words." He said and walking towards the dark side then he was vanished.

I came back to my place and sat down thinking about this unexpected friend. I crossed my heart and went to sleep with a hope. I want to believe that he will come back with Eddie and Steffan. Ahhh, I miss them. My dad my mom!!!

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