A One Flop Plan

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Eleanor's POV

" I don't think it's Steffan's voice. I have a feeling that he came to know it's our doing." I said.

" I have a bad feeling too." Tasha said.

" Think I should go and kiss Alan now cause I know I have lost it already." Bella said.

" Yeah, go. And Stella call your brother and tell him everything." I said.

" No." Stella smirked.

" No?!" I asked. She nodded.

" Why no?" I asked confusedly.

" I want to see, what my brother planned for us." She said and I sighed.

" We are going to be terribly trapped by your brother today." I sighed.

" That will be fun." Stella said.

" What kind of fun!?" I asked."Then he will start to scold me saying why haven't I stopped you all, I am elder among you guys." I said.

" Then you show him this." Stella said and put on a puppy face.

" No, I didn't like this one, put on the one you put on that that showing me?" Bella said.

" This?" Stella made a more cute face.

" No, not this one, another one." Tasha said.

" This?" Stella made an innocent face.

" Yeah, this is perfect." Heather said.

I know this all this a drama but I don't like this girl. I hate her. I am sorry but I hate her. Yeah, I am jealous. I know. But this is me. I can't handle it.

" Alright, he said to go and meet him in the restaurant nearby. Just get ready by 3:00." Tasha said.

" I won't go." I said almost crying.

I know Steffan is going to scold me to bad for not stopping them doing this. I don't want face him now. If you guys want to know I am scared. Yes, I am. His anger is very bad. He barely gets angry and when he is angry he will be hell dangerous.

" What?! No way. You are the Juliet here. You have to come. Otherwise plan will be flop." Heather said.

" Do you think there is any thing left to prove you that this plan is already flopped?!" I asked.

" Still, I want to see what's happen till the end." Heather said and I didn't say anything.

I stood up and left the place. It's too much. I was so pissed with girls. It's going out of limit. How can they just play a game like this. It will hurt him, hurt me and hurt our feelings too. No, there is no way I am in this plan with them. I am out of this game. I don't want to do anything with it.

" What happened?" I saw Alan sitting beside me. I linked my arms with his arm and leaned on his shoulder.

" What happened, old lady?" He asked.

" Nothing, just mood off." I said

" Suddenly mood turned off?" He asked and I nodded.

" Is there any reason?" He asked.

" No, no reason." I said.

" Never tell a lie, this is such a beautiful line you know?" He asked.

" Yeah, I know." I said.

" Then I don't find any reason of lying." He said and I smiled.

" I never knew my kiddo is grown up, now giving me advices, not bad?" I said.

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