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Steffan's POV

I heard my phone was ringing but I kept ignoring it. It was 8 in the morning and Sunday. I know it must be Eleanor. But I am not in mood of talking with her right now. How can she be this stupid?! No, she needs to learn how to respect each other. If it was just about something like joking, I would let it go but no. It was excess. I love her that doesn't mean I will take all her childish behavior which will disrespect our relationship. I won't allow her do it when I am not doing it myself. The phone was ringing and ringing. I kept ignoring it.

It stopped. A while back I hard a knock on my door.

" Steffan!! Steffan!!!" Someone called me. I got it was mom. I opened the door.

" Yes, mom?" I said.

" Steffan, Edwin has called you he is on line. He wants to talk with you." Mom said.

" Alright. I am going." I said.

I lazily walked down. I knew he wanted to talk about Eleanor and she herself has made him call me. I shook my head not working babe. You did mistake and you have to take the punishment now. I said to myself and smiled remembering her face.

" Hello!!!" I took the phone call.

" Steffan!!! Has Ellie gone to you?" He asked. What's new drama!!!

" No, she hasn't." I said in a boring tone.

" Ok, bye." He said and hung up at once. I blankly stared at the phone. Then shrugged. I went to sleep again. It was 11 in the morning. I wake up and went downstairs. I saw my mom sitting there with a horrible expression. Like was crying. I looked at aunty she looked at me with worried face. Stella once looked at me and then looked away.

" What happened?" I asked. But no one bothered to answer me. I was worried now.

" What happened, mom?" I asked.

" Why !!? Do you care even someone dies?" Mom said in a cold tone.

" Mom, what happened? Why are you talking like this?" I asked.

" Go to your room, go enjoy your sleep." Mom said.

" But what happened? Tell me?" I asked.

" Ellie is missing from this morning. She was out for morning walk but didn't went to home." Stella said with a flat tone.

" What?!!" I was terribly shocked.

" Yes, she is still missing." I was thinking about where she can go!!!! I took out my phone and called Edwin. He picked it up.

" Hello?!" He said in a calm tone I knew I did a great mistake today. Unforgivable one.

" What happened?! Where is she?" I asked.

" If only I knew I didn't bother you to ask. I myself would find her out." He said. I felt like the most foolish person in this world. How can I be this stupid!!!Shit!!!

" Well, I am sorry but what are you doing now?!!" I asked.

" Sending diver in the lake near the park." He said. What!??? Suddenly terror ran whole my body.

" What!!!!! Why!!!!!" I asked.

" Cause, her phone and headphones were found near water. Cops are thinking she has jumped into water maybe she has committed suicide. I don't know. Maybe or maybe not." He said last few words softly. I felt tears were flowing down my cheeks. I didn't try to wipe them.

What have you done Steffan!!!! What have I done!!! I shouted at myself inwardly.

No, babe. What have you done!!! Why did you do it.

" I am sorry, Edwin." I said.

" Can your sorry get me back my sister?" He asked with a broken tone and hung up. I got up and got ready. I went to the spot. I saw cops are around. I searched for Edwin found him sitting alone in a bench near the lake. I quickly walked to him.

" Edwin!!!" I called him. He looked at me.

" Oh, Steffan!!! You came." He said and I just sat beside him. It was freezing.

" She left me alone, Steffan." Edwin said but I didn't say anything. I just kept looking at the lake.

" We came into this world together. Now she didn't even bother to inform me before going?" He asked but I didn't say anything.

No, it's not true. She can't do it with me. She can't leave me. She promised me that she won't leave me.

" She is gone. She is gone." Edwin said.

" She is not. She can't leave me alone." I said firmly.

" But you left her alone, didn't you?" He asked.

" I know. I am horrible person but she can't leave me." I said. I knew she is not going to leave me.

" Then find her out. Can you!?" He asked.

" I will find her out. She is fine. Don't worry." I said and I felt she is not here. She is in trouble. I need to help her.

After an hour the diver got up. I saw one of them was Alan. He came to us.

" Anger can't help, Bro. Look what happened?" He said and I was not there. My heart was crying for her. I wanted to see her, hug her. Say sorry to her. I didn't even let her explain. What got into me that time!!! Why I turned into a monster!!??

" No, Eddie, no one has jumped into water. Maybe she threw her things there to confuse us. But it's sure she hasn't jump into water." Alan said. I knew it. She can't do it. She is not a weak girl.

" What will we do now?" Eddie said he was in a miserable state. Suddenly I looked at Eleanor's phone and headphones.

" Give these to me." I said. He gave me that and I looked them. If someone threw it away then it would've broken, at there would be scratch. But I found none. I was suspicious. Is that happened what I am thinking now?!. She was alone that time. She could have been kidnapped!!! Oh, God!!!!

I suddenly realized my phone is ringing.

" You're smart head, Steffan Anderson. I didn't heard wrong about you." The voice said. It was so familiar to me.

" Delevinge!!!" I said.

" You proved yourself. Yes. It's me." He smiled nastily.

" Why did you call me?" I asked.

" I thought your fiancée is missing and you will love to talk about it with me." He said and I gritted my teeth.

" If a single scratch on her you will see the worst of me which is nastier than the worst hell. I hope you are smart enough." I said.

" No, I don't have any intention to touch her. I want someone else." He said.

" Whom?" I said.

" Tasha Campbell" he said. What!!!!!

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