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third person:

Mindlessly scrolling through whatever Tumblr had to offer for the day was Jungkook's main priority, then came school. And since Tumblr provided quality content of television shows, movies, music, and basically everything he obsessed over, his grades were a serious problem.

It's not that Jungkook wasn't smart, he was actually incredibly intelligent for his age, but laziness consumes him. So he absolutely hated getting up for school, let alone working on assignments or doing homework. In his 16 years of living, he hadn't failed one single test, but Jungkook was failing his junior year only two quarters in because he doesn't do his work. The boy grabbed his school bag with a productive mind, ready to start his homework. He got out a pencil, shut off his compu—


He grabbed his phone.

Twitter: bigbang tweeted a photo: what a great concert! coming back soon, busan.

And another notification.

Text message: jimin :
holy shit bro, best friend, rat, shit head, did you hear about that V guy? the killer? call me !

..... And all of a sudden, Jungkook didn't want to do homework anymore.

Unlocking his phone, he immediately opened up his messages with Jimin.

Not even a nano-second after, he got an incoming call from his best friend. He hit accept and put the phone up to his ear.

"What?"  The brown haired boy didn't even notice the rasp in his voice when he said that indicating how tired he actually was.

"Oh my god oh my god okay so—."

"Calm your tits, just tell me. You're probably the most over dramatic person in all of Seoul."  Jungkook replied, sounding quite annoyed, but he loved his best friend, despite the irritation, they had been close friends since 3rd grade.

"Ah hush, you've heard of V right? actually I know you have, you're Jungkook you don't get off the internet,"  Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Well did you hear about what happened a few hours ago? V is in Seoul bro, apparently that freshman from our school, Jinyoung i think his name was, is dead and so is the rest of his family. They know its him, well I do. Because he left behind that note he always does. You know, the one in some language that nobody knows. This is his 6th killing this month and its only half way through November."

The youngers mouth fell open at those words. He was speechless. Jinyoung was the smartest freshman at school, maybe even the smartest student in the school. He was in Jungkook and Jimins Algebra Two class as a freshman. Everyone knew who he was because of his record breaking intelligence and smart ass comments.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I wish I was."

A loud car door slam was heard from outside Kook's home. His parents were home, and most likely drunk, but honestly, when were they not?

"Hey uh Jimin, I'll talk to you tomorrow I have to go." And with that Jungkook ended the call and mentally prepared himself to what he will have to face. He walked into the living room as soon as he heard his front door open and his mom's I'm-stoned-as-fuck laugh.

Yup, they're drunk.

Jungkook's mom was stumbling around, holding onto whatever piece of furniture she could reach and his dad was already passed out on the couch. Jungkook wondered how they didn't get into a car crash at that level of alcohal intake. He walked up to his mother, and picked her up bridal style.

"Oh, Jung-hyun I can do it by myselllfff." His mom slurred her words. He was used to his mother calling him by his older brothers name. Jung-hyun moved out only 2 months ago, and before he was the one who took care of the drunkies of the house, but now that he's off the college, they were Jungkooks resonsibility.

"It's Kook, mom."

"Oh hello honey. Where are you taking me?"  The teenager ignored his mom, and gently lay her on the bed. He pulled blankets over her body making sure not to cover her head, so she can breathe. It was 12:30am already, and Jungkook only did this for her mother because he loved her with all his heart. She wasn't always like this though. Before she found out his father was cheating on her, she was caring and sweet, but she didn't want to leave her husband of 20 years, so she got high and drunk to forget. Jungkook missed his mom.

The boy was tired, so after putting his mom to sleep, and whispering a simple 'Fuck you' to his dad, like he did every night he immediatly fell asleep. Honestly, he didn't even care that he forgot to do his homework.

Jungkook POV:

  The next day...

I hate first period. I hate, hate, hate it. Tell me a likely senario that I will have to use Algebra Two in my future. You can't... See my point. But of course I plaster on a smile, that may or may not be half fake, and walk into my class after getting my notebooks that I never use from my locker. I sat down next to Jimin and listened to his endless rants about how much he loved his girlfriend Grace. Jimin is the only person that knows I'm gay, and I'm hoping it'll stay that way. My community isn't exactly the most accepting community out there, and I don't want to confirm the stereotypes already set for me. A freshman two years ago got beat up for coming out, and I'm not trying to let that happen. A lot of my friends are gay, but they can take a hit, I can't.

Thankfully, Jimin was interrupted by the teacher. His voice projected through the class and everyone eventually shut up.

"I have a few announcements to make. As most of you already know, sadly Jung Jin-Young was murdered last night..."

The class went silent, then some gasps and cries were audiable, but Jimin and I glanced at eachother already knowing what had happened.

" I don't want to go into details because it was tragic, but the person responsible is still not caught. There are rumors that the serial killer V is responsible, meaning he is in Seoul. I suggest nobody goes outside at night and everyone keep your doors locked."  The teacher, Mr. Yun, started tearing up at the thought of his best student being dead. The class nodded and continued their conversations again.

"I'm not done. We also have a new student with us today." That's when my attention was divided and given to the teacher.

"His names Kim Taehyung."

Jimin's leg nudged me a bit.

"What if the new kid's V? Timing's perfect, coinsidence? I think not. Illuminati? I think so. Oh and even better, what if he's gay?" Jimin whispered to me in a sarcastic joking manner.

"Oh yeah totally!" I whisper back in the same tone.


welp, if you made it through this chapter congrats! I'll try to update as much as possible! I hope you liked it csihvudjsfbu. if there are any spelling and/or grammar errors please correct me even though im pretty sure i got em all. please dont be a ghost reader and like and comment (??? i think thats what you're supposed to say). HAVE A GOOD DAY.

also can we talk about bts on the AMA's. they did so good!

- jet

in love with a killer Where stories live. Discover now