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Jungkook POV:
(low key sexual?)

    "Taehyung, stop we have to g-." I was interrupted as the older's lips smashed into mine, resulting in my loss for words and shaky breathes. I kissed back passionately wrapping my legs around Taehyung as he pushed me into the wall of the bathroom stall not releasing our kiss. "C'mon Tae—oh my god." His sloppy kisses ended up making their way down to my neck hitting my sweet spot.

   I pushed him off, even though I was very much enjoying whatever that was, and eyed the smirking sight in front of me. There was a string of saliva parting our mouths and some dudes walked in, and then immediatly walked out after witnessing the sight.

   "Taehyung," I said panting, "Let's go." The distance between our faces was almost nothing before Tae let out a deep sigh.

   "Okay. They're probably getting suspicious anyways." His voice almost killed me considering it was raspy and deeper than his usual sound. "But, you might want to cover that up." He pointed to my neck, and I bolted to the closest mirror.

   "Holy shit, Taehyung!" A giant, reddish-purple blob of worn skin rested right under my jawline, clearly visible to the eye.
   This dude seriously gave me a hickey.

   "How the hell do I cover that up?" My voice filled with concern that the 'date' Grace hooked me up with would notice. Or even worse, Taehyung's actual girlfriend that he somehow managed to obtain within three days, would notice. Her name's Aley, and let's just say she isn't the most calm person in our grade. Actually, I'm not even sure why Taehyung told me to bring a date, since I clearly remember him asking me if I'm gay. But both of us were drunk, and even if he didn't remember, I did. It could just be a cover up though, and I understand that. I wouldn't want anyone else to know I'm gay either.

"Makeup maybe?"

"Idiot, does it look like I have makeup with me?" I retorted.

"I mean I felt eyeliner or something in your front pocket when we were making out, or was that something else?" He smirked once more.

If this dude smirks one more fucking time.

"Yeah, we don't speak about that." I threw on the jacket that was around my waist making sure to cover the hickey, and rushed out of the bathroom with red tinted cheeks. Realizing we came out here for refills, which took about twenty minutes longer than we expected, I rushed to the lines and got two more large popcorns, sodas, and some strawberry flavored candies for me. Taehyung and I eventually made our way back to the theater, twenty-five minutes after we left.

   "AHHHHHH!" A blood curdling screech filled the silent room just as we walked in causing me to tense up a bit. Horror movies scare me, badly. Taehyung just laughed and rubbed my arm a bit before sitting next to Aley. I sat in between Jisoo, my 'date', and Taehyung. I apologized to Jisoo for how long we took and that there was a long line and she just ignored me. I started to feel sort of bad, Jisoo knew I didn't like her, yet she agreed to coming with me due to pressure from Grace. I could tell she wanted to leave but didn't want to be rude. Honestly, she's a sweet girl, just not someone I'd date.

The rest of the movie was just a cycle of me throwing popcorn because I was scared then Jisoo, Taehyung, and Aley laughing at me. Once in a while Taehyung would connect our pinkies under the arm rest in between us making me blush. Luckily the theater was dark so neither my hickey nor blush were visible.

Why is he such a tease?

"Am I taking all of you home?" Taehyung asked as we were walking out of the theater. I was kind of still shaking from the movie.

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