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Jungkook POV:


  That annoying ass bell again. I get up, shove all my shit in my locker, and
head to the lunch room. As I'm walking I pass by Taehyung, he smiles and waves. I return the gesture. We aren't like best friends, I don't even have his phone number, or hang out with him outside of school. In fact, I've only talked to him twice after the party, but if that means we are friends, I enjoy the addition. I decide, maybe I should
go up to him and actually start a conversation. But when I approached him, his friends noticed. I went to say hi and he ignored me and rolled his eyes. I wonder why. It's like whenever his friends show up, he turns into a new person. I walked away, kind of hurt, and went to sit with the people who actually won't completely ignore me.

"You don't even care about my shows! You always delete my recordings just so you have more space for yours! I'm tired of it!" Namjoon yelled at Jin.

I mean, this is typical for my friend group. Jin is the oldest, and he's dating Namjoon, who is basically the leader. I swear, they argue like an old married couple. Then there's Yoongi. He's the second oldest, and I'm pretty sure the only time he's ever awake is when he's at school, or making music. He's "straight" but we all know that isn't even close to the truth considering how he talks to Hoseok. And that leads us to the next member, Hoseok. A flaming bisexual I shall say. One second he's dating a random girl he just met, then a random guy he's known since first grade, and vice versus. Also, even though he has probably dated every single person in our grade, he's always had a thing for Yoongi. And finally, last but not definitely not least, my best friend Jimin. I met him in second grade and honestly I wouldn't trade the world for our friendship. We were always so close, until he met Grace in tenth grade, started dating her, and began to become distant from me. I never really let it get to me though. Grace usually sits with us at lunch, but I honestly wouldn't consider her apart of our group, even though everyone else does.

"It's going to be Christmas soon!" Blurted Grace out of the blue interrupting Namjoon and Jins argument. "So, that means the Winter Dance is going to be soon. I'm obviously going with Jimmie, but are you guys going?"

   Jimin grinned.

   I rolled my eyes.

    "Yeah I'm going, with my bed." Classic Yoongi.

     Hoseok's head popped up from looking down at his phone screen, for once. "Yoongi you're going with me. Final"


     "It's settled."  And Hobi shoved his face back into his phone.

     "Alright," Grace continued, "Obviously, Namjin will be attending, but what about you Jungkook."

      I sort of wasn't listening and the sound of my name caught me off guard, "What?" I replied.

    "You're going to the dance right?"

    "I'd rather not."

    "Whyyy? C'mon I'll introduce you to my friends. Maybe you'll like one of them. My friend Clare is so your type!" Grace continued talking about her friend but I decided not to listen and looked at Jimin who was giving me one of his famous looks. This time it was his just-go-with-it one.

    Grace snapped her fingers infront of my face, "Hello? Jungkook? So you'll go with her right?"

I panicked and looked at Jimin who was slowly nodding then giving me a different look. This one telling me to say yes.

    "Ah, sure?" I said uneasy and Jimin gave me a small thumbs up. We both want to make sure me being gay stays secret because of how dangerous it can get if it gets out. He just wants to protect me and I appreciate him for that. I looked down at my feet under the table, and took out my phone to see the dozens of messages from my father asking where I was and such. He must be drunk, because obviously, I'm at school. He even dropped me off since my mother took my car to work. The bell rang as I tried to respond to him, so I got up, with my face buried deep into my phone as walked through the swarm of pubescent teenagers.

Suddenly, I was knocked off my feet because I ran head first into a wall.

Great going Jungkook, seriously, that was so smooth.

I picked up my stuff at an abnormally fast pace, and rubbed my aching head before noticing a hand in-front of me. I look up and see Taehyung offering a hand to help me up. He was without his friends. I internally scoff. No wonder he's being nice. But, I still kindly accept the offer.


And, like always I'm interrupted and dragged somewhere. Taehyung grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into the boy's bathroom.

"Taehyung, the bells going to r-."

"Sh. Give me your phone." The older boy replied.

"But why?"

"Just, give me your phone."

I handed him my phone, confused. He typed a few things in, and my heart began to beat so hard you could almost hear it. I hate when people go on my phone. I always get worried they'll see a picture of something they could judge, or go on an app and see all the fandoms I'm in.

Taehyung handed me back my phone, "I put my number in there. Text me."

Before I could say anything else, the bell rang.

Great, he made me late.


LOL OKAY SORRY TO BE HONEST I FORGOT ABOUT THIS BOOK. i've been busy with school and stuff, but i'll start updating sooner now that i've got the story progressing. god, i have so many plans. I MIGHT UPDATE TONIGHT!

okay i know that doesn't sound like a lot, but i've never written anything like this before and I'm just surprised people actually want to read this. hopefully i can get more reads!

this is long as heck.

alright, have a good day everyone,


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