Chapter 12

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I heard my mother cry that night in her room, and I felt my own tears silently stream down my face onto my pillow. My heart broke at how badly I had hurt her.

I needed to apologize.

But my mother was gone the next morning before I had woken up, and Tadeus coldly informed me that she had a job interview at an optometrist's office for a receptionist position.

I felt like the worst daughter, to know I hadn't even cared to ask about what she'd been up to the last couple days.

As I went to grab my bathrobe from my room, my iPhone chimed with a text.

Good morning, beautiful. Hope you aren't still mad at me. I have something special planned for this Saturday. Thinking of you - D

My stomach did somersaults when I read the text from Darius.

Feeling restless, I showered and packed up my gym bag, hoping I could go to the belly dance studio to rehearse choreography and relieve my anxiousness.

The studio had specified classes but when they weren't going on, anyone could pay a small fee and use the studio in their own free time to practice.

"Tadeus, do you want to come with me? I want to go dance for a while at this studio I found, but after, we could go sightseeing?" I suggested in a friendly tone.

He crossed his arms from his position on the couch.


I sighed. "Tadeus, you can't stay mad at me forever."

"You were mean to Mama, Ambra. She was really hurt."

"I know. I'm going to say sorry to her when she gets home. I shouldn't have said what I did."

He scrutinized me for another minute, checking to make sure I wasn't being sarcastic in any way.

He perked up, his face softening.

"I want to wear my Batman shirt if we're going out then."

I laughed, relieved.

We took the public bus to the empty studio where Tadeus patiently watched me dance for an hour before we walked through the streets of the city, visiting shops and checking out cool graffiti and street art.

We spent the whole day in downtown LA, and we were spent by the time we got home.

My mom was back, and waiting for us, though I had left her a note telling her what our plans had been.

She didn't seem angry or upset as we walked into the kitchen of the apartment, the smell of spaghetti and meatballs filling the air and making our stomachs rumble.

"Mama, guess what we saw today! A real mime! It was so cool! Ambra gave me a dollar and he did these neat tricks for us," Tadeus exclaimed as he scampered over and gave my mom a hug around the waist.

My mom gave him a warm smile, but it grew cautious as she looked up at me.

I approached her and wrapped her in a hug, surprising her.

"Mama, I'm sorry. I had no right to say what I did. I'm sorry I hurt you," I murmured, her familiar scent soothing me and making me feel at peace.

She returned my embrace and we stood like that for several minutes, Tadeus squished between us.

"I know you were just upset," she whispered, and I knew I was forgiven.

"I love you Mama." I held her tighter.

"I love you too, sweetheart. And you know you can't punish your father forever," she said gently, pulling away to look in my eyes.

It wasn't exactly a topic of conversation I wanted to discuss at the moment, but I let it go with a non-committal answer, really not wanting to get into another argument.

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