The Meeting

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Chapter 8

Blue Island

Later that blissful night the new couple ended up walking back to the salon but both remained outside to admire the breathtaking moonlit view of the sparkling shores beyond the empty docks.

The faded lit streets were crazy packed with wild pirates shooting up at the sky and yelling outrageous things while fighting about.

Before deciding to leave before it got too crazy Liam pulled Zayn to the side of the building to kiss him quickly "I know a nice inn-" he remarked only to have his precious prince interrupt him.

"Already?" Zayn joked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

The pirate blushed catching on. "No it's tempting but no not for a while, babe" He pecked his button nose "I was saying I know a nice Inn for you to stay at for the night ."

"Okay" Zayn answered with eyebrows raised for the catch.

"To sleep." Liam finished in giggle finding the prince's curious actions adorable.

Zayn nodded lips parted in an 'oh' "Are you not staying or-"

"I've got a meeting to attend." Liam stated, with pouty lips. "I'll meet you at the inn late tonight."

Liam then leaned in again a devilish smirk growing upon his lips. "Although if you don't mind my saying, I think it would be rather inappropriate for us to share a room."

With a shy blushed giggle Zayn playfully shoved him ."I said nothing about us sharing a room you were-"

The older boy bopped his nose. "Aye I'm only teasing you, babe" Liam finally laughed pressing a kiss to his temple "I never thought I'd ever have this, especially with a man." The Captain suddenly remarked changing the subject.

"Neither have I...well I never thought I'd like a pirate. Anyone actually. I never thought I'd have something with someone." Zayn replied in a sad honest tone.

Curious, Liam lifted his index finger to caress Zayn's cheek. "and whys that, love?"

"There's not many gay men." The young prince answered lowering his saddened voice.

A soft hum came from the Payno's before he opened his mouth to reply. "Well I suppose I am because I have these feelings for you. I never thought I'd be gay but it explains a lot." Liam kissed his cheek in reassurance. "You needn't to worry anymore, love."

Zayn blushed madly. It all was too much. He never ever thought this would happen to him and so freaking soon.

Was it too fast? Why did it matter if it was? This was his new life, his new adventure where he was learning entirely different things. Zayn could enjoy it and do what he wanted without a care well to an extent. He was with pirates and they were quite intimidating but hey he still had the the freedom to do what he wanted as long as Liam (or Captain Payno per say) was okay with it.

Catching the dazed prince off guard, Liam pressed his lips softly against Zayn's. They both became more addicted to one another's lips. "I'll take you to the inn now. I don't have much time, babe."

Zayn pulled away giving the captain a knowing look. "Alright then."

In a swift manner Liam gently wrapped his hand around Zayn's small wrist and led him down the small village, towards a rather large nice looking inn that had a warm cottage look.

After getting a room the boys made their way up to it hand in hand in silence.

Lucky for them they got a warm large room that came with a big king sized bed which had a big bear wool blanket spread across it and an already lit fire place which ignited the dark room with a red warm glow.

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