Chapter 3- Threats of protection

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Hai hai! Chapter 3 up and ready to read ^~^ I am deeply sorry about any swearing that occurs.

-Toshiro's POV-

'In all honesty.. What the hell was I thinking?!' I thought in my head, biting my lip in concentration. 'I'm going to be the laughing stock of the entire academy!' I was frustrated, and I haven't even left my room. "No.. I shouldn't be thinking like that.. I don't care what anyone thinks.." I finally manage to say to myself, hopefully encouraging myself to walk out of my room in the same manner I do every morning. "It's to make her happy.. Nothing else."

"Toshiro!" A feminine voice called out from down the hall. "You're going to be late for the academy!" My irritation returned in an instance, my eyebrow twitching. "Calm down mum!" I exclaimed in return, turning to the doorway. "It's the academy, who cares if I'm late?!" After finishing my sentence my eyes redirected towards my bag, continuing to pack my stuff before I heard another reply. "What about that cute girl that waits for you everyday at the school entrance?" She exclaimed again.

Just at the thought and word 'cute', my face turned as bright as a tomato. I ceased packing to cover my already hot cheeks. "G-Goddammit mum.." I murmured under my breath angrily, my eyebrow twitching even more. But what came afterwards, was completely out of the blue. "Is she your girlfriend?" She exclaimed again in a questioning tone.

This made my cheeks go even more red. "M-M-Mum!" I exclaimed in a rush stutter, walking towards the hallway. "S-She's just my f-friend! N-Nothing more, nothing l-less!.." I could feel myself get all nervous. 'What the hell?..' I thought to myself, going back to my bag and picking it up. 'Why am I thinking like this all of a sudden?..'

I strutted out of my room, taking a quick look back to see if I had forgotten anything before closing the door behind me. I slowly made my way towards the kitchen, grabbing a toast and heading for the door. "Bye!" I called out, taking a bite out of the toast. "Oi! Come back here!" My mum called out again. "We need to talk about this gi-" before she could finish, I ran out the door and slammed it behind me, finding the blush back in my cheeks.

-Hinata's POV-

I sat in my normal spot, waiting for Toshiro to turn up. My hands contained homemade onigiri that I had previously made for him. I could feel glares again. Though this time, I could feel someone approaching me. No. More than one. About, five. A group of girls. 'Oh no..' I thought to myself, closing my eyes tightly shut, hoping they were walking elsewhere.

"Hey!" An academy student exclaimed, startling me greatly. Like the shy person I am, I turned slowly, still holding the onigiri in my hands. "H-Hai?.." I replied, looking down at my hands. "So what's the go with you and Toshiro? Huh?" She asked. 'How did I know it was about Toshiro?..' I thought to myself, activating my byakugan to see who the person whom began speaking was without looking up.

'Kamui Himano.. The most popular girl here.. Not so intelligent, but not a push over either. Not so good at chakra control, nor combat, but still average. Overall, someone you don't want to mess with.' I thought to myself, disactivating my byakugan. "Hey!" She exclaimed again, stomping her foot to grab my attention, which she successfully did so. "I'm talking to you!"

All I did was slowly look up, a trace of a small blush now entering as I left the onigiri in my lap and began to fidget with my index fingers, a nervous trait of mine. "Like I thought.." She said with a trace of utter disgust, leaning on her left leg and crossing her arms tightly. "You're nothing but his pet. Someone he looks after because they can't do it for themselves. A useless girl. A burden."

The words struck me like lightning, drawing my attention back to the onigiri on my lap, now picking it up slowly. 'Shes right.. I am a burden..' I began thinking to myself sadly, knowing well enough that she had gotten to me. The girl slowly leaned forward, getting in my face. "Listen here you useless pile of junk.. Stay away from Toshiro. Completely. Actually, leave the academy." She said in an ordering tone, gritting her teeth. "If you don't.. Then I'll-"

"You'll what?" A cold and sharp voice said suddenly, interrupting the girl's threat. The voice belonged to none other than Toshiro Hitsugaya. I turned myself towards him, looking up with teary eyes, desperately trying to keep them from flowing out. All I was able to let out was a small and weak, "Shiro-Chan.."

-Toshiro's POV-

I knew, very well, Hinata was trying to hide the pain she had felt. It was, but a coincidence that I ran out the door at that time. Skipping breakfast and everything, barely even grabbing my things. My eyes locked on to her own, teary eyes. I don't understand why, but something inside me snapped. I could feel anger. And a need to protect her. The one who had done so much for me.

My eyes narrowed, turning towards the girl that stood near Hinata, slowly moving back. "H-Hitsugaya-Kun!" She said in shock. "You don't even have the permission to speak my own last name." I said coldly, walking towards them slowly and full of anger. "No one shall speak of either of my names if they treat Hinata like shit. That leaves a foul taste in my own mouth."

I could tell, my own presence was frightening for the group of girls, but that didn't stop me. "You're lucky to be a female. If you were male, I wouldn't hesitate to beat the shit out of you." My voice was even colder than normal, frightening myself at one point. "H-Hitsugaya-Kun.. I-I didn't mean- I-I didn't know.." She began before being interrupted again by Toshiro. "That I wasn't here? How stupid are you?"

By then, a large wind began to pick up, circling myself. It was a ferocious wind. One that could slice you into many small pieces. "You're at a ninja academy, yet, you are unable to detect someone?" I said, continuing on. By then, I was now 1 metre in front of Hinata the girls about two metres in front of me. "And you other four.. You all are as bad as her. Now listen here.. If you ever come back to Hinata, saying all this shit that is completely untrue or trying to put her down and even threatening her.. I'm going to-"

I stopped in my own threat, feeling something warm around my waist. The wind slowly stopped swirling around me, the girls running away at the scene they had just witnessed. I looked down, my own gaze turning back to normal as I began to think of who could have suddenly embraced me at such a dangerous time. One person's name continued to circle around my mind, leaving me to softly whisper, "Hinata.."

So there you have it! :3 hope you enjoyed it!

purplestarxo out!

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