Chapter 8- Secrets

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Hey Minna.

Sorry about being away for so long and not writing. Many things came up, and my school thought it was funny to put all the assignments and exams on the same week. Yep, much fun.

And then I thought, well.. Since it's my birthday, I might as well write something for you all to enjoy(:

So here I am, updating this new chapter that I just thought of on the spot. If it's all over the place, I'm sorry. I'm pree rusty at the moment xD

But enough about me, let's get this show on the road!


-Akihime's POV-

The silence was overpowering the atmosphere, and it was starting to make me uncomfortable. It's the start of lunch, and Toshiro had been taken inside for a talk with the other boys. My legs began to shake nervously, unknowing of what to do in such a situation as this.

'I never had any practice for something like this..' I thought, sighing quietly to myself. 'Maybe I should ask something?' My attention soon turned towards the young Hyuga whom sat on the grassy patch, underneath a large oak tree, beside me. Her hands were cupped around a small onigiri, raising it up to her mouth and lowering it back down to her lap once she took a bite.

'She looks.. Kawaii.' I began to think once again, continuing to look. It seemed that my simple glance turned into a stare, finding her white-pupiless eyes looking back at me, the pale skin of hers turning a gentle pink colour in her cheeks.

"S-Sorry.." I began, looking down at my hands instantly, blushing with embarrassment. "I-I didn't mean to stare.." Seemingly, Hinata also looked away, shaking her head slowly with a gentle smile. "No, that's alright."

And just like that.. We entered another awkward silence. The atmosphere with thickening, and it was making me even more nervous. Building up the courage I had, I turned towards her with a curious expression, ready to ask a question. "Ne.. I've been wondering Hina-Chan.." I began, finally breaking through the silence that had encased the atmosphere for a period of time. "Do you like anyone?.."

The simple question seemed to have made her embarrassed, because the next thing I knew, her cheeks were a flushed red while moving away from me. 'Did I say something wrong?' "Wh-What's with that question, A-Aki-Chan?" She asked me, stuttering in her attempt to sound confident. "Well.. I hear a lot of talks about boys and who girls like and stuff.." I continued, beginning to explain my reason for asking. "..and I thought you did too."

Hinata looked at me blankly, before smiling, giggling also. I was in great confusion. "Why are you laughing Hina-Chan?" The confusion on my face was visible in my words, being said as I tilted my head to the right. With the same small smile, she turned towards me, blushing lightly as she said, "You really are something Aki-Chan.."

I pouted. "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked, adjusting my head position. "That doesn't matter anymore.." Hinata replied, giggling some more. "I do like.. One.. Person." My eyes widened. 'What a fluke!'

"But if I tell you.. I wish for you to tell me whom you like." She negotiated, with a smile. "Cause, we are friends." That word. Friends. It didn't have much meaning before coming here. Always alone, always in the dark. That was my life beforehand. But here I am, living a normal ninja life. "Sure. I promise to tell you." I replied with a closed-eye smile. "Cause we're friends."

Hinata nodded towards me, continuing to smile as she placed her soft, cold hand onto my own, squeezing it gently. "Alright, promise you won't tell a soul." She said seriously. "I promise to never tell a soul, for as long as I live." I replied almost instantly. Smiling once again, she nodded as an approvement of my promise, before beginning to speak again, "Well.. The person I like is.."

-Toshiro's POV-

Boring. Extremely boring. The meeting for the males was all simply bullshit. Sitting in our usual spots in the class, my boredom had soon began to show in my actions. Leaning forward and placing my elbow firmly on the desk, resting my head onto my hand as I turned my gaze out of the classroom, looking out into the distance.

'Why can't this be during class time?..' I began to wonder, sighing greatly. 'All this is, is just stupid lectures about not fighting and keeping our mate-down-there under control when we're around the girls. Actually, that's extremely disgusting for 9-11 year olds around here to be thinking like that already. I mean.. Some of us, like myself, are only 6-7!' The trees outside swayed with the gentle breeze, seemingly looking picture perfect. 'Looks just like a painting from an art gallery.'

"Toshiro." A voice entered my thoughts, being nothing but a whisper, so I thought nothing of it. 'Hmm.. I wonder how Hime-Chan is.. And Aki-Chan.' The two soon sprung up to my mind, seeing their happy smiles. It brought warmth to my heart really. "Toshiro." The same voice said, becoming a bit louder than before. But still, I thought nothing of it. 'I wonder what they could be doing..'

"Toshiro!" A loud voice exclaimed, breaking my thoughts entirely as I turned in the direction of it, finding stares on my arrival back. "What's so interesting outside?" The instructor asked, placing a hand to his hip. "Why don't you tell the whole class?"

"Well. Since this is an extremely boring lecture about stuff that isn't even convenient to some of us, I turned my full attention outside, which seems a lot more interesting." I answered with my upmost honesty. "So there you go. You happy now?"


"Stupid. Fricken. Asshole of an instructor!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs, punching the wall beside me. "He asked for my reason, and I gave it to him with all my honesty.. And I get detention?!" Soon enough, the wall that I had hit with my clenched fist, begun to create ice, slowly making it's way out and towards the rest of the wall. Noticing this, I quickly withdrew my fist, becoming puzzled.

"What the?.." I sounded, voicing out my confusion. "Did.. I do that?" But before I could start putting the pieces together, an interruption brought my attention away from the ice on the wall. "Toshiro Hitsugaya." The previous instructor said, disapproval being found in his voice. "Your attitude and behaviour is drawing back to it's original place. I thought being with Hinata Hyuga and Akihime Senju would change that.. Obviously not."

My teeth began to grind together. This always happens when people talk lowly of the two. "Guess the two aren't good influences on you after all-" , "Don't you start with that crap." I said angrily, seemingly snarling at the instructor. "Those two.. Are a whole lot better than anyone in this stupid world. Those two.. They are saints compared to the likes of you!"

It seemed that by then, the instructor was shocked and.. Trembling? 'I didn't think I was that scary..' I thought, my expression turning into confusion yet again. My attention was drawn to my feet, finding ice spreading out around me. My confusion soon increased, trying to piece everything together. 'Ice?.. But why does it only appear when I'm angry?..' I asked myself, trying to figure it out. After a few more minutes, everything started to fall into place. 'Kekkei genkai..'

"You.. You aren't normal!" The instructor exclaimed, still shivering from the possible cold atmosphere around us. "What the hell is wrong with you-" Before he could continue, the instructor made his way to the ground, completely knocked out. "I think that'll be enough of that." A rather older voice said, sighing in annoyance. "I'm sorry about all that Toshiro.. But I need you to come with me."

The unbelievable scene had me in ice itself, frozen in.. Fear. "Who are you and what did you do to him?!" I exclaimed, slowly backing away from the nearing older male, keeping my eyes to the floor incase he was a genjutsu user. A small chuckle was brought into the atmosphere, drawing my attention up out of curiosity to find a smile on his face. 'Wait.. Isn't he?!' I began to think, shocked at the familiar face. "Don't worry about the instructor. He's just sleeping right now. Please come with me, I'll explain everything." The man said, stopping in his tracks as he continued to smile. "I am Hiruzen Sarutobi.. The Third Hokage."


I was thinking, and I need your opinion on this, should I change the stories to be based of on one person's view, third person view or keep it like how it is with simply changing back and forth from people.

Leave a comment please! :3

purplestarxo out!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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