Chapter 6- Facing challenges

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Yo! A lot of people have been doing disclaimers and it looks pree neat, but don't worry, I won't be doing any of those any time soon!

But so you know and remember, I don't own bleach or Naruto characters, only the characters that I have made up, such as; Akihime Senju, Kamui Himano, etc.


-Toshiro's POV-

In all honesty, I was shocked. I mean, Konohagakure had no trace of an living Senju or Uchiha, with the exception of Itachi Uchiha from the Akatsuki and his little brother and Tsunade Senju, one of the Legendary Sanins. But to think there was someone, a child to be exact, whom contained the blood of both Senju and Uchiha, two of the most powerful clans that ever stepped foot on this world, it pretty much sent a chill down your spine with the simple thought.

But that was now beside the point. I'm standing on the field outside, face to face with the 'prodigy' that had suddenly entered the academy. No, I wasn't there to show her who's boss. My pride is nothing now. I was there to thank her for saving Hinata. Literally, I was kicking myself once I heard about the incident. That's why, I built up the courage to thank her for doing such a deed.

"Etto, Senju-Chan.." I began, not knowing how to start a thing like this. "Gomen, I'm not very good at these things but.. I would like to thank you for looking after Hime-Chan while I wasn't there." The girl smiled at me, nodding her head with a soft giggle. "No worries Hitsugaya-Kun." She began giving me a closed eye smile. "And please.. Call me Akihime." I nodded at this, glad she was so joyful and easy-going. "Will do Akihime." I replied with a smile. "And please, Toshiro would do."

I heard another giggle, this time, sounding a whole lot familiar. I turned my head to see the blue-haired girl, standing with her hands up to her chin, smiling lightly. And with that, we all turned and began walking to our separate destination, me and Hinata walking towards the training ground and Akihime towards the classroom.

The class was split in two, one half doing taijutsu training, the other doing ninjutsu skills. It was our turn to do taijustu training, and as usual, me and Hinata were partners for this activity. She's honestly the best when it comes to hand to hand combat. I even have trouble beating her! You wouldn't expect anything less than that from Konoha's gentle fist/taijutsu clan experts.

After waiting a couple of minutes for everyone to have a partner, me and Hinata stood opposite each other, away from the group. The teacher allowed this since we both went all out at one point, nearly injuring a couple of the students that were in the way. I could see Hinata looking at me with a look of great concentration. I wouldn't blame her. It's basically exam week, and everything we do is being recorded and marked.

We waited patiently for the signal to begin, the silence overpowering greatly. Suddenly, a loud whistle was heard. And with that, came the start of the battle. We both simply rushed at each other without a second to spare, exchanging hits and dodges. It's gotten pretty difficult to hit Hinata. She specialises in the gentle fist, so her palms are open while mine are in a tight fist. Her hits were somewhat off, possibly thinking about something.

"Ano.. Shiro-Chan?.." She suddenly said as we dealt blows. "Hmm?" I softly responded, blocking a kick to the side of the head. "What do you think about Akihime-Chan?" She continued, back flipping off my arm shield. "What do I think about her? Well.. I just met her, but she seems different from the other girls.." I answered, dashing forward towards her, returning the kick to the head. "How so?" Hinata asked again, ducking and sending a palm to my stomach. "Well.. She's like you basically. Easy-going, happy and gentle. And besides, she's one strong girl from just listening to the introduction." I answered, grabbing her fist and sending her over my shoulder.

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