Chapter 5- A Hokage's Granddaughter

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Hai hai ^~^ I would like to thank everyone who not only voted and commented, but read my story up till now. Hope your all enjoying it!

Also, I deeply apologise for any swearing that happens during the chapter.


-Hinata's POV-

It was already such a strange day. Hanabi didn't rush into my room this morning like she normally does, just wanting to jump into bed with me for a couple of minutes more. Father wasn't yelling at me to hurry up and get to the academy, giving me those emotionless eyes he normally gives me. I hate that look. It kills me inside little by little. That's why I dislike it when Toshiro uses that glare on someone. It strikes a nerve, you know?

Anyways, I got ready like I normally did every morning, although, today was silent. "Something's going to happen today.." I said to myself as I grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder. Before long, I set out of the estate, looking around in disappointment and confusion once seeing the place was deserted. "That's strange.." I mumbled under my breath, shrugging it off once I passed the gates.

It was awfully quiet in the village as well. Possibly because of the time, though it's the normal time I walk to the academy each morning. As I continued on my way, I suddenly felt a few presence near my position. Curiously, I turned to find myself in a situation I didn't want to be in. Boys. Older boys to be exact. They were looking at me with a sort of lustful look and a small smirk.

Quickly, I turned my head, quickening my pace. But not too long after, my body stopped on it's own. No matter how much I tried, my body was no longer mine to command. "A bit stuck honey?" A male voice asked. Unable to turn my head, I looked over to him instead, seeing multiple figures walk towards me from the corner of my eye. "Don't worry.. We won't hurt you.. Much."

"No. You won't touch a hair on her body." A female voice called out, bringing all our attention towards an average size girl whom stood with great confidence. I looked her up and down, analysing each detail. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Lightly tanned skin. Not much older than me. "Step away from the girl." She continued, walking towards us. "Tch. What are you, the Hokage?" One of the boys asked, snickering.

"No, but I'm the granddaughter of a Hokage." She replied. My mouth dropped. Granddaughter?! I could tell the boys next to me were no different. "Bullshit." The 'ring leader' said. "Granddaughter or not, you can't tell me what to do." The girl simply stopped, looking down as her hair covered parts of her face. "Oh really?" She said softly, her tone darkening. "Then I'll make you.."

-Toshiro's POV-

This is absolutely weird.. Hinata's not here? That's extremely strange.. She's always here before me. I don't understand why she wouldn't be here. It kept me thinking the whole time. Soon, I rested my chin on top of my palm, looking off into space as I thought about it. "Shiro-Chan?" A voice said softly, breaking into my thoughts as my eyes widened, turning with a big smile to only quickly disappear, becoming disappointed to see someone else. "What do you want?" I simply asked, turning away with a blank expression. "I just came to sit next to you Shiro-Chan~" She said, sitting down in Hinata's seat. "I mean, it is my rightful place."

"Refrain yourself from sitting in Hinata's seat. She will be coming today and if she doesn't sit next to me, I will move to sit next to her." I said instantly, becoming irritated at her use of words. "And don't make it seem like you have a right to sit here." I could see from the corner of my eye that she was going to pull a tantrum right there and then. "Shiro-Chan.. How can you not see I'm so much better than that girl." She said rudely, breaking my patience limit. "And besides.. What does that girl have that I don't?!"

I was already at my limit. My expression changed drastically, standing up quickly and looking down at her with great anger. "Who gave you such permission to use a nickname that was specifically given to me by my best friend?!" Snapping, my voice increased in volume. "And what does Hinata-Chan have that you don't? I can damn name a lot of things. Kindness. Patience. Respect. But the most important one, she's not an annoying, little bitch like you!"

"Shiro-Chan!" A voice suddenly exclaimed, grabbing my attention successfully. Turning, my glare was still cold before disappearing, seeing the girl I called my best friend. She looked at me with both sadness and somewhat anger. "Apologise!" She continued to exclaim in an ordering tone. "Now!"

-Hinata's POV-

I could feel my cheeks burning up. I have never, ever, been this forceful in my entire life, and I was already hating it. Even though I hate being like this, I hated the glare Toshiro had even more. It was simple acting really. I pulled the most angriest expression I could manage, trying to hide my reddened cheeks. "Shiro-Chan!" I said again even louder, seeing mostly everyone flinch.

Toshiro looked down, beginning to blush before looking up the the crying girl and softly murmuring, "G-Gomenasai.." At this, everyone looked towards Toshiro, then at me, then back again, gasping and softly whispering between themselves. I sight softly easening my expression as I heard the apology, smiling. "Arigato.." I said before spotting my teacher.

"Hinata Hyuga. May I ask why you are late?" I heard him say, looking at me with an angered expression, crossing his arms. "A-Ano.. Sumimasen Chikiyo-Sensei." I said, beginning to fidget with my index fingers. "You see, I was-" , "She was showing me around the village and helping me with where to go in the academy. If it wasn't for her, I would have been lost this whole time." The girl, that had previously saved me from the group of boys, stood at the door before bowing apologetically. "The one who should be getting scolded should be me. Sumimasen Sensei." I was shocked to even see her here. I guess I just ran off after hearing the school bell and probably didn't notice her following me. If I knew she was new around here, I would have stayed and helped her. I'm so selfish.

The teacher looked at the bowing girl with a raised eyebrow before easening his expression, smiling. "Very well, Hinata, you may go back to your seat." My eyes opened once again, before bowing in acceptance, turning to the girl standing at the door way and smiling lightly, mouthing a 'thank you' before rushing to the seat stands. I quickly ran up the stairs and turned left, taking a seat next to Toshiro.

"Hime-Chan.." He began, keeping his head down with a hint of sadness before flinching at my touch to his shoulder. "Shiro-Chan, don't apologise. I understand the need to protect me behind my back." I said with a gentle smile, drawing his attention to the pinky I held out. "But promise me you won't pull that kind of face ever again.." He looked at me before pulling a heartfelt smile, wrapping his pinky around my own with a nod. "Hai. I promise."

"Attention Minna." The teacher began, grabbing everyone's attention to the front. "We have a new student whom will be introducing herself now. So pay close attention and show some manners." The students waited attentively, looking at the girl whom stood next to the teacher. "Go ahead." The teacher said with a soft smile, signalling her to start.

She nodded with a small smile, stepping forward. "Konnichiwa, my name is Akihime Senju. I am the Granddaughter of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju and the Grandniece of the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. I am also half Uchiha due to my mother being part of the clan." The brown haired girl said softly, bowing once finishing her introduction to the class. "Douzo Yoroshiku."


Since there is a new addition, there might be an added Point of View for Akihime, just a heads up.

To all those people who don't speak Japanese, here is a translation to those words;

• Sumimasen - Used for either 'excuse me' or 'I'm sorry'.

• Ano - Um..

• Sensei - Teacher.

• Hai - Yes.

• Minna - Everyone.

• Konnichiwa - Hello.

• Douzo Yoroshiku - Nice to meet you.

Thanks again for reading!

purplestarxo out!

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