Chapter 2

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I was so bored out of my mind. I just want to go back home... You'll be home soon, Alanna, science is your last hour of the day. Right. Thanks Gale. I'm here to help. I started to fall asleep when the bell rang. Thank God...! I'm free! I heard Gale's laughter in my head. Oh, you are not in a prison Alanna. It feels like it. I wasn't watching where I was going on the way to my mom's car. I bumped into a larger figure and I go to apologise when I'm meet by Rusty's smiling face. Rusty had her reddish-pink hair in a ponytail and she had a black Set It Off T-shirt on with jeans. The twenty-eight year old woman looked at me and smiles.
"Hey Alanna!" I smile and give her a hug.
"Hey Rusty! What are you doing here?" She laughs and smiles. "Looking for you. Would you like to come over to my place later this week?" I smiled and nod. Rusty beams.
"Can't wait!" I was excited because Rusty never had people over at her place, she went over to other people's houses. Yay! Going over to Rusty's! Why are you so excited? Because I'm staying at Rusty's. Really!? Rusty never let's people at her house! But I already told you, I'm not human. Well I guess I'll see later this week. I head to my mom's car and hop in.
"Hey Sweetie! How was school?"
"Good Mom. I saw Rusty today."
"You did? Was she giving a lesson?"
"Yes, Rusty has a degree in mythological history."
"Neat!" I smiled. So that could be why she didn't let anyone over, she might not want the risk of losing anything.
(Time Skip to Wednesday)
Two days til I go over to Rusty's. Two days til we get to meet. Yup. I walked down to my homeroom I noticed that there was a new boy in the class, he had brown hair the color of mud. I couldn't see his eyes, he had tan skin and I went to sit down. The teacher, Mr. Daniel instructed the new boy to the seat next to me. He smiled at me and I saw he had big, green eyes. He held his hand out and we shook hands.
"Hey, I'm Zack."
"Nice to me you, Zack. I'm Alanna." I smiled and we started talking about how long we had been here. Me, all my life, Zack, he just got here a week ago. I like Zack. You like pretty much everything, Gale! But I really like Zack. I ignored her as we talked. We got to work when Mr. Daniel assigned it. We worked well together. In the middle of partner talk time I looked at Zack.
"What's your schedule?"
"As you know I have Math first, second hour is history, third is english, fourth is PE, fifth is science, and sixth is orchestra."
"Oh? So we have PE together. And you have Orchestra with my friend, Zambia. What do you play?"
"I play Cello. What does she play?"
"Zambia plays violin." The bell rang and me, Zack, and the other students went different ways.
(Just cause I want to. This next part is in third person.)
Rusty walked down her steps. I really hope Alanna will understand why I don't let humans at my house, and that she accepts who she is. I'm sure she will Rusty, now, we just have to find the others. Right Rose. We just have to find the other dragon riders... and their dragons. She opened the door and smiles and the dragon, faires, and other creatures of legends and myths around her. Her friends, her family, her people.

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