Chapter 6

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* I feel like I should update*
I smiled and kissed Gale's head. She purrs and leans against my lips and hands. I giggled and stroke her neck and body. I murmured under my breath.
"So pretty..." Gale grins and takes off in a graceful beat of her wings. I imagine myself settled between her shoulders with the wind whipping around my red hair. You want to make that thought a reality? I forget you can read my mind. The next thing she lands soundlessly. I climbed up and stroke her. Gale's purr caused her whole body to vibrate. I laugh and cling to her slim and smooth neck as I peak over her curved horns and smile at the sight.
"Wow..." The grass was a green blur and it seemed we were level with the mountains. The sky was a bright blue and the clouds were white and light gray mists surrounding us. We must of been like that for hours since when I decided I should probably get home, I saw it was midnight. Rusty came out of a room and snickered at me.
"Have fun?" I huff and lift my head. I saw a little person run by me with a flower. He presented it to Rusty before running off. She took the flower and thanked him and smiles as he runs off. I stare after him.
"That was a dwarf!" Rusty smiles.
"Yup, saved him and his family from a hungry nature Nymph I saved from Sparrow."
"Who's Sparrow?" Rusty sighs.
"We'll talk about this later. Your parents know you're here and they are having Apollo and Zambia pick you up tommorow. Go get some rest," I obey only to her Rusty laughing. "I did not say to go rest in Gale's domain! You have your own room here." I grunt and trudge to my room and flop on the bed, relishing in it's soft and warmth. My world goes black within seconds.

Rusty was glad Alanna was being picked up by Zambia and Apollo, she could see for herself how she was doing and she could ask if Zambia was starting to question if her adopted family were human. She sets the flower, a lily in water and goes to her room. Rusty's house may be giant, but it's hiding a secret larger than a hundred lives.

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