Pain Like This

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Nothing hurts more than ripping your own heart out of your chest

Hailey examined herself in the mirror turning back and forth, she was in one of the outfits Debbie had helped her pick a couple of days ago. To be honest she wasn't sure how she felt about it. Debbie had been right, they hadn't had to change her style much but in a way that made it more strange because it looked like her and not like her at the same time. She did look good though, and if this didn't make Carl notice her a little bit then the whole thing really was hopeless.

To be honest, she felt kind of bad, things had gotten so hectic that she hadn't managed to see Carl in a couple of days. First Frank had been brought home and was dying and apparently, there was some secret older Gallagher daughter, neither of which was that shocking really. But then it turned out that her Aunt V could get pregnant after all and she had got so caught up in the fun of having new little cousins coming into the world that she just got a bit sidetracked for a minute. She especially felt guilty because Debbie had been coming over to help with the situation with her crush and to tell her all about the guy she met at the Arcade. She didn't want Carl to think that she had ditched him for Debbie or anything. Not that she ever would especially since she could never beat people up all the time to get money out of them if Debbie was there, the girl seriously harshed any threatening vibes Hailey had going by wearing pink tights all the time. Today though she was going to be a good friend she was going to see Carl and if he needed her to she was going to help him with the whole Frank situation.


Hailey was still trying to decide whether she liked her outfit or not when Carl burst into her room fifteen minutes later.

"I need your help" he rushed out.

Hailey turned away from the mirror towards him "sure what do you need?" he barely even looked at her, didn't notice her outfit or anything she inwardly huffed, what was the point if he was never going to look at her the way she wanted him to, it was better now if she gave up and resigned herself to the friend zone forever.

"Where does V keep the key to her drug stash," he asked.

Hailey shrugged "I don't know she won't even tell Uncle Kev after that time he sold some of them with Lip in the ice cream van two summers ago, why were you planning on selling them or something"

Carl looked Hailey critically he hadn't seen her in the last couple of days but he was still pretty sure that her loyalty to him was stronger than the loyalty she had for V, he guessed that he could trust her with why he needed the drugs.

"Frank needs them for the pain and I don't have any drug money"

Hailey laughed "That's easy just put a rock through the glass, or use bolt cutters or something."

Carl smiled at Hailey "Thanks, Hails" as he was exiting through the doorway he abruptly spun back around "Do you wanna come play video games after I get the drugs"

"Sure" Hailey nodded "I'll be down in a bit"

Hailey turned back to the mirror once Carl had left and quickly adjusted her top for maximum impact, maybe he would never see her as more than a friend but surely there was no harm in trying to grab his attention.

Hailey turned back to the mirror once Carl had left and quickly adjusted her top for maximum impact, maybe he would never see her as more than a friend but surely there was no harm in trying to grab his attention

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Partners in Crime (Carl Gallagher Book One of the Ride or Die Series)Where stories live. Discover now