The Fallout Zone

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When they looked around them they could only see the wreckage of their life

Hailey is examining the split lip and bruised cheek she got from Carl when her Aunt V bursts into the bathroom. Usually, V wouldn't have even worried about bruises on Hailey but her hands are shaking and there are tear tracks in the blood on her face, a bruised face might have been normal for the girl who was always in fights but the reaction she was having now was so far out of that realm it was insane. 

"Oh Hailey, what happened?" V questioned in a concerned tone.

"Carl and I got in a fight, don't worry, I'm not getting expelled I've been suspended for a week and then I have detention for the rest of the year" Hailey turned back to the mirror poking tenderly at the bruise above her left eyebrow and trying to stop the tears.

"You and Carl got into a fight with each other?" V tried to clarify.

Hailey nodded minutely before her legs gave out from under her, Veronica grabbed Hailey before she could fall lowering her to the ground. Hailey's body shook with all of the tears she had suppressed over the last days the tears that were finally coming out now.

"It's broken" Hailey whispered "and I don't know how to fix it"

V hugged Hailey close to her as the other girl started to sob "What's broken Hailey, is it your ribs, honey talk to me whats going on" V stroked Hailey's hair back looking her niece in the eyes, trying to figure out what was going on with her.

"He said- He said" Hailey sobbed out "He doesn't want me anymore, doesn't even want to be friends I-I can't" Hailey covered her hand with her mouth she was starting to hyperventilate, she couldn't breathe.

When she had been in foster care before CPS had fount Kev and V one of the families she had stayed with had an older son. He was eleven and he didn't like that his family had taken Hailey in so when she was asleep he would sneak into her room and hold a pillow over her face. She would wake up gasping for breath and he would finally let her breathe again. She had wondered if she had stayed there how long it would take him to actually kill her. For a long time after she moved in with her aunt and Unkle, she had nightmares about not being able to breathe that would cause her to have a panic attack. She hadn't had one in a long time though. She had forgotten how much they hurt.

"Hailey! Hailey look at me honey, just breathe ok take a deep breath in ok, we can fix this I promise it isn't broken" V reassured Hailey to no effect, dragging Hailey into the shower with her she turned on the warm water hoping it would calm the girl down, or that it would shock her out of her attack.

Eventually, Hailey could breathe again, but she couldn't stop crying and she could still feel all the broken shards of her heart stabbing her in the chest.

Eventually, Hailey could breathe again, but she couldn't stop crying and she could still feel all the broken shards of her heart stabbing her in the chest

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Debbie sighed in exasperation watching her fucking idiot of a brother pace the floor of his room. She had a sense of deja vu for a second remembering watching Hailey do something similar only a couple of days ago. She sighed again it was pretty obvious that if Carl and Hailey's relationship was getting fixed she was going to have to help. Obviously, Carl was useless and she hadn't seen Hailey since the teachers had dragged her off but she wouldn't be surprised if the other girl was catatonic at this point. Carl would probably never know the complete power he had over Hailey to shatter her into a million pieces and it was pretty clear that Hailey didn't know she had power over Carl either. Honestly, the two of them were bizarrely perfect for each other because they both couldn't see what was right in front of them.

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