Hell To Pay

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Her smile was sharp like a knife; often the prettiest thing is the most dangerous

Hailey looked down at her two new baby cousins and stroked Amy and Gemma's hair gently. These two loud screaming bundles of joy had been the shining light in her shitty week. She was so excited that they had finally arrived.

 After Frank's wedding and the following liver transplant, she had barely seen any of the Gallaghers Fiona was obviously back in prison and Lip and Ian were off living their lives but Carl and Debbie who she usually saw a lot of were notably absent from her life. That was changing today though as it was Monday and she would be seeing Debbie at lunch, she wasn't sure if she would be seeing Carl he had been pretty caught up with Bonnie recently, she would rather not be around him when they were together.

 Leaving the twins to sleep Hailey went to get ready for the day. Looking at her face in the mirror she wondered why she was still bothering to try and look nice for school when getting Carl's attention was a lost cause and she had literally no one else to impress. She wondered this but she still went through the pain of putting on eyeliner. Who was she kidding she would be trying to impress Carl until the day that she died.

 Who was she kidding she would be trying to impress Carl until the day that she died

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Carl had a lot to consider, this morning he had asked Ian if he loved Mickey. Ian had said that he liked the way Mickey smelled which he assumed meant that Ian did love Mickey. He didn't like the way Bonnie smelled, not that she smelled bad or anything it was just that he couldn't remember if she even smelled like anything at all and he didn't really care either way. He knew what Hailey smelled like, he knew that sometimes she smelled like lightning and sometimes like fireworks and sometimes like smoke depending on her mood. He liked the way his best friend smelled. As soon as he realised that he liked the way she smelled he noticed a million other things as well. He likes the way she closes her eyes when she breathes cigarette smoke out. He likes the way she never actually does her hair just lets it flow wildly around her or piles it into a messy bun. He likes the way she walks as if she owns the whole damn world. He likes the way she laughs and the way she says fuck and a million other things about her that he shouldn't be thinking about when connected to his friend. Carl likes a million distinctly non-platonic things about his best friend and he has a girlfriend. He genuinely wanted to be with Bonnie too, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that he was sitting across from Bonnie or stealing with Bonnie or even fucking kissing her and all he could think about was Hailey.

He was fucked.

He was sitting having a beer with Bonnie when Hailey showed up looking for Debbie. It still fucking stung, how without him noticing Hailey and Debbie became friends and she still wouldn't tell him what stuff she had to sort when they had been fighting. 

Hailey stood awkwardly in the kitchen as ten different children ran around wildly throwing shit. "Uh have you guys seen Debbie? she was supposed to sit with me at lunch and she never showed." Hailey asked.

Partners in Crime (Carl Gallagher Book One of the Ride or Die Series)Where stories live. Discover now