1-3 minutes
Cookies as big as your head! Sundaes ten feet high, talking animals, and my favorite, the legendary Nine Tailed Fox. What? What do you mean what am I talking about? I’m talking about your imagination, of course! The imagination can take you on fantastic journeys, doing whatever you want!
Have you ever daydreamed about flying cars or talking to animals? Well, before electricity, people daydreamed about that. Daydreaming is one way of using your imagination. All of our wonderful inventors daydreamed, but they made their dreams become reality. For example; the light bulb, electricity, and cars. Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Henry Ford made such items. Benjamin Franklin even created a musical instrument! All of these came from the imagination.
All children have an imagination. Younger children sometimes confuse their imagination with reality and become annoying. Other times, children, such as myself, use their imagination to keep themselves busy when they’re bored or lonely. They might even come up with a new invention. Who knows?
Fiction authors have wonderful, sometimes wild, imaginations. They write down their daydreams and imaginative stories in the form of books so other people can read it. I’m writing a fantasy book myself, from my imagination. My favorite books are fantasy fiction, when dragons and magic fill the air. I know tons of books like this. There’s Harry Potter, the Eragon series, and Whittington. If you want to send your imagination on a ride, go to you local library and check out books that are also fiction. You may even write your own imagination in a book someday. But one thing’s for sure, they all came from someone’s imagination.
Imagination has been important for centuries. For example; Jamie Poalinetti said, “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations our possibilities become limitless.”
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand” – Albert Einstein.
Go on, use your imagination! Seek out wonderful maybe even crazy ideas. It’s the way life is. What are you waiting for? Go!
No, I don't like to Write. Where did you get that Idea?
RandomA collection of short prose I had nothing better to do with.