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i opened my eyes

and he was there

not him

not my present

but ross

from a past that i've tried to bury

but it has dug itself out

it has pushed through cement walls

trying to let itself breath

it has clawed away the lid of it's coffin

i tried to kill it but do pasts ever die?

how many lives do they have?

i'd get cemetery dirt on my hands a million times if i have to

what will it take to erase it all?

i may never clear my name

let me rot in my cell

don't drag me back to that place

time-it comes back when it wants to

and when it does

it's not up to any good

i will kick and push and scream

kick and push and scream

and i will fall at its feet and plead

save my present i beg

he loves me

every rose petal i've torn has told me so

my heart is to be ignored

save my present please

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