5. Meeting The Rebels

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I looked at my watch.


Darkness still loomed the vicinity.The sun was not yet up. Both of us walked in silence,trying to digest everything that had occurred in the past three hours or so. There were only rustling of dry leaves under our feet. I was feeling much better now. The smooth quiet walk gained me peace and relief.

But it was also a long distance walk.

We had been walking for about one hour. I didn't know where I was going. We had been going round corners,jumping streams,passing over broken trunks and so much more. If Aaron was to abandon me here,I couldn't possibly trace my way back.

"Where are we going?" I broke off the long silence. He cleared his throat with a grumpy sound.

"Where we the Rebels live. Not a long distance from here. We are almost there." That was the best thing I wanted to hear right now. I just wanted to get to that place,just wanted to lie down and sleep till...

As we were moving, before even five minutes passed,I caught a glimpse at a far distance of a small building,though I couldn't see clearly. As we approached nearer,I came into a better view of the house. It was a grey brick house,supposedly large,but not so much. It was kind of a strange house. Plant weeds creped around it,windows covered with strong wire mesh and the roof was red bricks,if I could see them. But anyway,I was not shocked. It was far much better than the reserve.

Before we could even make another step,a man jumped out of nowhere and pointed a gun at us.

"Stay where you are,you slimy slots of ingots! Or am gonna blow your heads off your temples. Who are you?" He shouted loudly creating a large echo. He had strong and deep vocals,a large beard by appearance and six foot tall.

"Relax, Dan. Its me." Aaron cooled him down. I had already hid behind Aaron,terrified by the sudden appearance of the man.

"You!" He blasted out. I didn't need to ask who he was calling,I knew it was me. I slowly moved from Aaron's back and stood aside of him.

"And who are you?" Now he was pointing the gun at me. My body shivered. I could feel my heart in my throat.

"I....I.....my name is Brian...."

"Who the hell asked you your name?" He shouted again,now shaking the shotgun as if ready to shoot.

"Oh....oh..Ok...am....am from the Reserve!" I stammered,sticking my palms out to him telling him to calm down. This guy can really incite tension in someone's body in seconds! I guess people in the ruins don't care if you are called Warlock or Shelby! Names don't show who you are.

He stared blankly at me,as if I had told him that I've time travelled from the future to here. I think that what was brewing up inside his skull was probably how he cold just pull the trigger and burst my head open.


He howled! A laugh with commas and hics. His laugh was rather funny. The atmosphere of the vicinity turned from cold and dark to warm and steady. A steady smile spread across Aaron's smile. It was not a very good idea for me to tell anyone that I met that I was from the Reserve!

"Are you kidding me?" Dan now asked as his mind freaking laugh came to a stop.

"Its a long story Dan. Let's get in and discuss it later." Aaron interrupted before I could start explaining,which he knew it would even be weirder as I continued to explain.

"Know what? I'm probably going off to sleep. The ' reserve story ' can wait till morning!" Dan was now opening the door as we got in.

The house was dark. The lights were probably turned off. There were a couch and a table.

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