How He Wakes You Up

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Lance likes to get in your bed with you and cuddle up to you. He also whispers in your ear "Good morning, sunshine". Of course, the both of you end up laying there for a while because neither of you want to get back up.

Keith walks into your room and turns the light on. You then cover your head with the blanket, only for him to walk over to you and rip it off. You curl up in a ball and pretend to shiver, which gets him to pull you up by your arm and slide you into his lap, where he holds you until your fully awake.

Instead of going straight to your room when you wake up, Hunk goes straight to the kitchen and makes a plate of bacon. He then goes to your room and waves it in front of your face. You shoot up and wake up, because, it's bacon. Nobody refuses bacon.

Shiro goes to your room and sits on the bed beside you. He gently plays with your hair until you get up and kiss his cheek.

First Voltron chapter complete. I hope for good results and positive feedback. Anyways I love you guys and as always I bid you adieu. ~Snipermcgee13

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