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Surprise! I haven't given up on this story just yet. I have been busy with other ideas. Anyways enjoy.

You had gotten up early one morning and was looking for something to eat. You could wake up Hunk, but it was really early. You were walking down the halls, when you were stopped by a pair of strong arms wrapping around your waist. You felt a very familiar warmth against your back. "Couldn't sleep?" Shiro asked. "Yep" you said, leaning backwards into his arms. He chuckled a bit and kissed your temple. You turned around while his arms remained around your waist. You cupped his cheeks in your hands and kissed him softly. He, of course, kissed back.

You and Kieth were fighting each other in the training room. You were about to win. You had just knocked Keith's bayard away from him. You had him right where you wanted him, but he surprised you. Instead of running for his Bayard, he ran straight towards you. He tackled you to the floor and pinned you by your wrists. You squirmed a bit, but gave in. "I win." He said before leaning down and kissing you lightly.

You and Lance were sitting on the couch(?). Lance had his arm around your shoulders while you were reading. "Hey, (y/n)" Lance said, smiling smugly. You mentally groaned, knowing he was about to feed you some pick up line. "What Lance." You said putting the book down and looking at him. "I'm not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together,". "Lance, we are together." You said laughing slightly. He leaned in and kissed you. When you two broke he said, "That's the best part about it,".

You and Hunk were baking cookies. You two were laughing harder than you had in a while. Hunk had just finished the icing and you two tasted a bit of it. You noticed a bit of icing just above his upper lip. "Hunk, you have a bit of icing on your face," you giggled. "Really? Where?" He asked turning to you. You kissed him, getting the icing off his face. "Right there,".

Horray! I'm sick again! My immune system sucks! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anyway I love you guys and as always I bid you adieu. ~TwinFox731

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