What he does to make you feel better

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I'm not giving up! Pinterest fan art for idea generation! Enjoy this chapter.

You walked down the hallway with your head down. You didn't feel good about anything, but that was about to change. You felt someone come up behind you and sweep you off your feet. "Ahh!! Shiro!" You slightly shrieked in terror and laughter. He placed you on his shoulders and started walking to the castle's main room. You were already feeling better.

You were sitting on the couch with your face in your hands. You almost failed Voltron on your last mission. You felt like crying because you could've let them down. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders and you felt a pressure on your head. Keith was hugging you and had placed his head on top of yours. You placed your head on his chest and sat in a peaceful silence.

You were ignoring Lance. He was being his flirtatious self, but it was towards another girl. He knew you were mad at him. "Come on, (y/n)! Let me in!" He shouted through the door of your room. You continued your silent rant and kept your door locked. Your heard someone messing around outside the door and it opened. You saw Lance enter the room. "Pigde let me in. What's wrong?" He said gently. He knew what was wrong and he felt bad, but he had a plan. "Hey, (y/n). Are you from outer space, because your body is out of this world." He said and smirked, but you paid him no attention. "Are you a computer?" He asked and then got closer to your ear and whispered,"because I could play you all night,". You bust out laughing and decided to forgive.

You missed earth. You wanted to go home. You sat there starring at a picture of your family. You smelled something delicious from the kitchen. You got up and walked towards the smell and saw Hunk with a plate of sugar cookies. He waved one in front of you and you took it from him. "Hunk, you know we shouldn't be eating these. They're bad for us." You said still holding a cookie. He raised an eyebrow and said,"I won't tell if you don't,". "Deal." You said and took a bite out of the cookie he gave you.

Okay. That's all I have for today. Anyways I love you guys and as always I bid you adieu. ~blue_castielle

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