i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i' m tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
i'm tired of counting ribs.
can you give me
something else to count.
how about your smiles.
i much rather
count those smiles instead.
i much rather
count those smiles instead.
can you give me
something else to count
how about your smiles
i much rather
count those smiles instead.
10:10 pm
hi i m annoying piece of shit.
altercation of self-actualization《poetry
Poetryal•ter•ca•tion noun 1. a noisy argument or disagreement espically in public self-ac•tu•al•i•za•tion noun 1. the realization or fulfilment of ones talents and potentialities, espically conisdered as a drive or need present in everyone