He's Flirting

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     Klay is absolutely annoyed with Steph.
     "Yo Klay, pass me the ball!" Steph called out during the scrimmage.
     "I can't!" He said in triple threat.
     "Pass it to me!"
     "You're not open!" Klay dribbled the ball as he put his other arm up for defense.
     "Pass! Pass!"
     Klay was about to retort until the ball was knocked out, snatched, and put up for the easy fast break.
     "Time out," Kerr called.
     Klay walked towards Steph.  "I know this is a scrimmage, but what the fuck."
     "I'm not gonna fucking pass it to you if you're not fucking open."
     Steph giggled and glided a finger across Klay's jaw.  "Watch your language."  He skipped away.  God damn.
     Klay groaned in frustration.

     Next play.  Draymond put up a shot.  It hit the iron and bounced out towards Klay.  The Splash Brother was ready to rebound. 
     "I got ree!" Klay called out.  He leaped into the air until suddenly, another body crashed into him.  "What...STEPH?"
     He found his Splash Brother on top of him when they had landed.
     "Oh," Steph cooed.  "Heh.  Whoops."
     They lifted each other up.
     "I called for re! What's wrong with you?"


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