Chapter 8

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Cape Cod, 5 Years Ago Part III

That next morning found the five at the table again. Lauren woke up for the first time without crying. Vero and Lucy poured coffee for all of them. Lauren picked up her up and drank the hot liquid, savouring the bitterness. For the longest time, no one said anything. The silence was broken by Lauren's father, who cleared his throat out before he spoke.

"We would be happy to reimburse you for everything." It took a moment for Lauren's brain to register what he had just said. Vero, Lucy and even Lauren's mother blinked in surprise.

"Dad?" Lauren whispered. He ran his hand through down his bearded chin. His eyes were dark, probably from tossing and turning all night thinking about the decision.

"We would pay you for tuition fees, book fees, room and board, anything expenses you can think of. And we would owe you more than we could ever pay. I cannot begin to describe the debt we'd owe you for this. And mija, I expect you to call at least once a week." Lauren hung her head. Some small part of her felt slightly embarrassed by it all

"Are you sure?" Vero asked.

"That's up to Lauren." Her father replied. Everyone looked at Lauren. She swallowed and nodded solemnly.

So that was that. Lauren moved in with Vero and Lucy. Her parents left early in the morning and not a few days passed when a few boxes with Lauren's belonging arrived at the front door. Lauren quickly made herself as useful as possible, doing household chores when she had even a second. Lucy and Vero never really had the time to do so and had previously hired a maid. When Lauren moved in, they found it no longer necessary and cancelled the service.

There was no getting past the initial awkwardness in the household. Lucy was still slightly unsettled by the young brunette's presence but she made the effort to welcome her. Vero on the other hand accepted Lauren fully into their home. She invited Lauren to cook with her, to watch movies with the two of them and even invited her to some of the parties they held for friends. Lauren politely participated in any activity that they suggested and she found herself enjoying their company.

One night, Vero knocked on her door just as Lauren was getting ready for bed. The older woman sat down on her bed, her hand lightly holding something.

"I found these as I was developing some old film." Vero said. Lauren didn't want to comment on how old fashioned it was to still be developing film but from the pictures on the walls, it seemed to be a hobby of the woman's.

"Really? What is it?" Lauren sat down next to her, trying to catch a glance. Vero withdrew her hand.

"I was waiting for a time when you were ready. I'm not sure if you're ready for it." Vero replied and instantly Lauren knew it was something to do with Camila. Lauren took a deep breath, prepared for whatever it was that the picture showed.

"I'll be okay." Lauren replied. She instinctively touched the silver ring on her hand for comfort. She steadied herself as Vero showed her the photo.

It was a photo of the two of them sleeping and Lauren remembered the moment.

"I took it because I thought you two were just the cutest things ever. I'm sorry if this..." Lauren cut her off and took the photo out of her hands.

"No." She reassured her. "No, it's fine." The two of the looked at the photo for a short while before Lauren felt her throat start closing up again.

"Um...Vero..." She whispered. "I just need some time."

"Of course." Vero stood up and walked out into the hallway, closing the door gently. Lauren wept silently, wiping the tears as they came but pretty soon she was crying onto her arms. She held the photo against her chest and let the sobs overcome her body.

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