Love story 7

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The last thing I remembered was sleeping in my bed and someone taking me.

Did I have memory laps?

What had happen to me?

I awoke on the morning to the smell of something good.

An aroma.

Breakfast aroma.

eggs, bacon, toast, grits, milk and orange juice.

Indeed it was.

Someone had cooked for me.

My head ached.

My face burned.

I couldn't feel my legs.

A brace or cast was on my right arm.

I finally realized I was in a hospital.

But why?

What had happened to me?

My eyes wondered around the room.

I couldn't turn my face fast, because something made it hurt.

When I turned my head right towards the windows, I was surprised to find someone looking at me.

It was Jason.

What was he doing here?

His face was all red.

There was stains under his eyes.

You only get that after crying a long time.

When he noticed I was awake, he ran to me.

He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you Lord! You're alive." tears started falling from his eyes.

I tried to talk, but my lips wouldn't move.

Jason started talking to me.

"Bree, Do you remember what happened last night?" his voice serious.

I shook my head left to right very slowly.

"You almost died. I saved you!" he exclaimed.

I looked at him in with a confused expression.

"The doctor didn't know if you would live." he told me.

I started crying.

What had happened to me?

I ate my breakfast.

chewing extra slow.

It took me 20 minutes to finish.

After that, I fell asleep.

I tried remembering what had happened in my dream.

My memory had faded.

The next morning, the doctor and three nurses came into my room.

They woke me up.

I sat up in bed and waited for them to speak.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" said the doctor.

"I feel sore. My muscles hurt." I said slowly.

Wow. I could talk. That made me feel much better.

"Doctor, why am I here?" i began.

"You don't remember anything do you?" he said.

"No. Could someone please tell me."

"We will tell you after you answer a dew questions."

The questions were really easy.

"what is your name?"

"Bree Michelle Wilson."

"How old are you?"


"Have you ever had anxiety or panic attacks?"

"Yes. When I get scared."

What was with all the questions?

I knew who I was.

But why was I here?

"Ok Bree, I'm going to tell you what happened." the doctor said.

I glanced at Jason.

He looked worried.

"Bree, Mr. Thibodeaux took you while you were asleep at your house.

He brought you to his house and tried to rape you. He gave you a date

rape pill, to where you forget everything that happens. We found this

out when we ran a few tests on you and your blood. Your Boyfriend

saved you from him doing such. You ran out of his house and kept running

except you were running on the road. An 18 wheeler hit you. He had fallen

asleep behind the wheel. When he hit you, you fell into the ditch. The 18

wheeler crashed into a ditch and the designated driver is now dead.

Your boyfriend went looking for you and found you. He called 911 and

explained everything....

Mr. Thibodeaux is in jail for attempting to rape a minor. He also killed his

wife yesterday morning. He strangled her. We found her in the trunk of

her car. He will be in prison for the nest 20 years.

You are very lucky to be alive.

Without Jason, You would be dead."

When he told me all of this, I began crying.

I was almost dead, but my boyfriend saved me.

I looked at Jason and he came and comforted me.

He laid beside me and took my hand in his.

Then the doctor continued.

"There is a lot wrong with you. You have a broken arm.

Scrapes on your whole body. Bruises everywhere.

We also think you may have memory loss. We

contacted your parents and they should be here

any minute."

The door opened and dad, mom, Daisy came in.

When they saw me they started crying.

I hadn't seen my face yet, but I knew it had to be bad.

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