love story 2 continued

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I'm sorry it's been awhile since I wrote. I have been extremely busy and haven't had a chance to add to my love story.

I will be here the next couple of days writing more. I hope you like the 3rd chapter.- Miss Strawberreh


That night, around 9 pm, I was laying in my bed listening to my ipod. I couldn't fall asleep because I was too excited to see Jason.

My favorite love song came on ("Our Song: by Taylor Swift"). I sang it over and over, feeling the words in my soul. I got up and started

dancing to the next song that came on. It happened to be "Shake it" by Metro Station. I had a blast, but I was worn out from all the


I sat back on the edge of my bed, resting my body. I was dehydrated, so I leaned over my bed and grabbed a bottle of water

off my desk. Each sip of water quenched my thirst and made me begin to feel better and better.

Around Midnight, Jason showed up at my window with something behind his back. He stepped into my room and gave me

the biggest hug. Then, he pulled a bouquet of red roses out from behind him and said,"These are for you!" I smiled and smelled

them. I put them down on my desk and gave him a hug. I whispered in his ear,"Thank you so much for the roses."

He pulled back for a minute, kissed me on the head, and said,"Your welcome. I got them for you to show you how much

I care about you. A dozen roses means "I Love you!" When he said those words my heart melted. It was so wonderful that

the words I yearned to speak wouldn't come further.

I looked down and my smile suddenly turned to a frown. Jason looked confused and then he did something. He pulled my chin up

and simply asked,"What's wrong beautiful? I thought you would have been happy to see me, and the roses. Did I do something


As I stared in his eyes, I knew I had to tell him something. My mouth opened,"You are the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I have been lonely. No one has ever brought me roses or spoke the way you do. It means a lot. I feel bad because I didn't get you anything."

He picked me up in his arms and we sat on my bed. I was on his lap facing him. He brushed a piece of my hair out of my face

and then placed my hands in his. "You don't have to give me anything. Being with you means everything to me. I am so lucky to have

you in my life. I am glad I finally told you my true feelings." He said.

I placed my arms around his neck as he began to make-out with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I could smell his American Eagle

cologne as he started kissing my neck. He stopped and looked at me. "Bree.." words stumbled from his mouth. "Yes Jason?" I said.

"Bree, will you be my girlfriend?" he questioned. "Yes!" i practically shouted. Jason laughed really softly and put his finger over my lips.

We heard hard footsteps coming down the hall. Jason hid under my bed and I took the roses and placed them in my bathroom.

I quickly climbed into bed, pulled the covers over me, and pretended I was asleep.

My dad came in my room and saw me sleeping. He kissed my head and said,"Goodnight Sweet heart!" With that he silently closed my

door and went back into his room.

Jason crawled out from under my bed and got to his feet. "Wanna go somewhere with me?" he asked. "When tonight?" i asked. "Yes, right now!"

"I do, but I don't want to get in trouble." "You won't get in trouble. I will have you back by morning, I promise." "Where are you taking me?" "To my house,

I want to show you a few things." "OK, hold on."

I pulled my covers back from my graciously made bed. I placed the pillows horizontal, as if it were me sleeping in my bed. Then I gently placed

the covers over the pillows. I walked to my room door and locked it. I went into my bathroom, undid the not that once held the roses together,

cut the bottom stems of each rose, filled a vase with water, poured the nutrients into the vase, and placed the roses in one at a time. Once everything

I had to do was done, I turned to Jason and said,"I'm ready to go if you are."

He walked towards me and we made out again, for about 10 minutes. He told me to get my swimsuit and extra clothes. I packed a few things in

a bag and grabbed a sweater out of my closet. Then we were off.

Jason decided he would climb out of my window first, so that he could catch me when it was my turn. I tossed him my bag and shut my window

softly. I jumped off the roof and to my surprise, he caught me.

He led us threw the back woods to his car (Mustang 2009). When we got there he was a gentlemen and opened the passenger side door for me

to get in. Then he walked around to his side and got in. The keys were left in the ignition, so he started the car. He placed my bag into the

backseat and took my hand in his again. We held hands the whole way to his house. It was about a 45 minute ride.

When we arrived, I stared at the house. It was perfect. A two story house, with spot lights, a deck, and a fence that surrounded the whole house.

I looked at Jason and said,"WOW!" He asked, "What?" "Your house is like my dream home!" He smiled and said,"There is more where that

came from. Just wait till you see the inside of the house and the backyard."

He parked his car in their 3 slot garage. There was a 2008 Tahoe and a 2010 4x4 Silverado. I figured those were his parents vehicles. Jason"s

house was made out of bricks and a beautiful white deck upstairs. The garage and fences were also white. Everything shined.

We both got out of his car and the garage closed. Jason came around and kissed me. "Hope you like my house. Make yourself at home.

You are my girlfriend!" he smiled. I smiled back, a little nervous. Our fingers met and he lead the way to his backyard first.

The backyard was a great surprise. It looked like a fantasy.

{What Do You Think So Far? Do You Like It? Let Me Know! Thanks-Miss Strawberreh}

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