Wild. Fiery. arrogant. party girl. irresponsible. cold-hearted. unable to love. untamable. that is how the eye-catching Ruby described, and she accepts it all in one heart. but is she really the way they say? can she open up her heart to prove them...
Ruby tossed and turned the whole night. Not from the earth-shattering kiss she thought was going to keep her up, but rather the following call she got. That insane (yes she calls it insane!) part of her that wanted Derrick back was telling her to give him a chance, and defending him (Yes, defending him) on his behaviour last night that he was just drunk and didn't mean what he said. But the other side of her, (the rational one) told her to stay well away from Derrick and instead focus on Dauph, who looked worth of her affection.
She hurried up to him on their favourite booth. "You're late." he said with indiferrence. "Sorry, I had to run some errands for dad first." Ruby bent her head for their customary kiss, but instead of pecking her on the mouth, he went for her cheeck. Ruby frowned at this but said nothing. She sat down and ensured her normal chatty mood. "Did you order yet baby? I'm positively starving." He didn't answer, instead stared at her, his face unreadable. "Hey, what's up? You don't look good. Is there a problem?" "Ruby..."he started, they swallowed, unable to continue. "Hey, what's the matter? You are scaring me you know." She let out a nervous laugh. He stayed silent for sometime, then said,"Ruby.....I think you and I should break up." Ruby was stunned. "Is this a kind of joke? Because it is not funny." She let out another nervous laugh, blinking her lashes rapidly. He stated at her with a faint bored look. "I'm not joking Ruby. I think we should breakup. I don't love you anymore, and I have found someone else." Tears welled up in her eyes. "Derrick..." Derrick made an impasive face. "I'm so sorry for this." His face was not sorry at all. He stood up, placed a hand on the shoulder of a sobbing Ruby, before leaving her to console and comfort herself.
Ruby let a sigh. It was not good to remind herself of the past. Currently she was walking slowly on the corridors of her college. She saw Sheena ahead of her, walking towards her with deep set determination on her face. With Dauph and Derrick's matters, she had completely forgot about her issue with Sheena. She walked up to her. "Sheena...." "Ruby. I want to talk to you. Can you spare me a minute?" It stunned Ruby, and it was with great difficulty that she was able to stutter the answer. "Y-yes. Why not?"
After more like a few hours really, in Ruby's mind, Ruby and Sheena were laughing again, just like old times. They had found an empty classroom and talked out their differences. She had told Sheena all about Max, and amaizingly Sheena believed her and asked for forgiveness for acting sulky. They were talking when they heard a polite cough. Turning they found Derrick standing there, and he was carrying....flowers.
When he was certain he had catched the attention of both girls he leisurely strodded in. "Hellow girls."he greeted them with a big smile. Only Sheena answered with a shy hi, and Ruby's face was impassive. Ruby's lack of reaction did not pertube Derrick, rather he broadened up his smile and said,"these are for you Ruby." He handed her the yellow roses. Ruby accepted them without word while Sheena was busy oogling with the unexpected turn of events. "Sheena, can't you give me a minute with Ruby? I want to talk to her." Sheena rose up with a sure, but not without throwing Ruby a look that screamed, I want the full story later! Ruby sighed before smiling to her friend. Sheena made her way outside, closing the door softly behind her.
Derrick's eyes followed Sheena as she was leaving until she closed the door. "Phew! Now we are all alone." He smiled widely at Ruby, who did not return it. "What do you want Derrick?" Derrick made to sit where Sheena had seaten earlier. "I want you." Ruby scoffed. "You want me? After all that you have done to me?" "Ruby, I know I have hurt you. I regret it now. I have just come to realize what a fool I was after leaving you. I'm so sorry." He put on some puppy eyes until Ruby nearly felt pity for him. Note this; nearly. "Why are you doing this Derrick? After all these years, why now?" He was quiet for sometime, before saying,"I can't let any other guy be with you."
Ruby did not know how that day passed. She vaguely remembered slapping Derrick hard on the cheek, before standing up and running out of the room. She attended her classes as an empty shell. She had thought alot then came to the conclusion that Derrick might be playing with her feelings.
Ruby ran into his room as fast as possible. Her heart was elated, and she thought that Derrick was going to take back his words. It was just a misunderstanding, she mused to herself. Or just a big bad joke. She reached and tried the handle of his door. It was unlocked. She entered with a rush of breath. "Derrick baby, I came as soon as I saw your text." She stopped short when she was what was going on in the living room. Derrick's living room. He was sprawled on the couch, and was making out with a girl on it. Their special love seat. When he saw her, he smirked, and continued to makeout with the other girl. Ruby felt a tear fall on her cheek. She turned on her heels and left.
Since then, she had been trying to avoid Derrick at all costs. He had been trying to catch Ruby's attention with flowers and public display of affection. She even had blocked several numbers coming into her phone which all turned out to belong to Derrick.
What irritated her most, was the fact that she was trying hard to repel Derrick, and Dauph had not called or even texted her for three days now, since their date, and she was trying hard to ask herself what she had done or said that was wrong. It irritated her to no end. But she was glad now she had her friend back, and Sheena helped Ruby think less and have some girl time together.
Dauph had just gotten out of the plane. He was tired. There days ago he had been called to his timber mill at Canada which had been suffering from workers strike. He flew there immediately, and for the last few days trying to bring calm and order. He left the area all solved. He entered his apartment and clicked the button to play voice calls. There was one from his sister Dauphina, another from Cammila begging him to reconsider and two voice mails from Mike. His heart sank a little. Nothing from Ruby. He had hopped that she would atleast call or text him. He removed his clothes and went to have a bath.
He came out, dried and dressed himself. He couldn't continue to wait for Ruby's text or call. He was going to see her.
Yay! A romantic Dauph.😍 Will he manage to see Ruby?
And what about Derrick? Do you think he is sincere and Ruby should give him a chance? Comment me your answer and click that star to make me go on!!
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And that's our Sheena! A sexy plus with Indian origins. Hope you like her!