Chapter 5

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For the next twenty-four hours Fiona didn't leave the couch. She just waited and waited until John arrived home, if he ever did decide to come back.

Everything still felt numb. Fiona loved her husband, she loved loving him. It was all over now. He was unfaithful to her. He promised to love her and he broke that promise.

Fiona sat on the couch in anger. She had no more tears left. Her rage had started to take over.


After hours Fiona finally got off the couch and immediately went to her and John's master bedroom. She walked into his closet and began taking everything out of it. She carried piles of clothes onto the lawn in the back yard. She did this for hours until everything of his was in a giant pile.

Fiona stared at all of this belongings and laughed.

"Fuck you." Fiona raises her hand and everything goes into flames. A small grin appeared on her face and she was satisfied.  She watched the fire grow bigger and bigger.
She also had all of John's awards from the recording studio and trophies from golf. She took a bat to each and every one of them until all that was left was small shattered pieces everywhere.

She brushed off her hands then went back into her home as if nothing was wrong. She was able to blow off some team and just calm down.

Though John was suppose to arrive home in two days, Fiona knew he'd come running home. So, she prepared a large dinner for him.


John was always scared of Fiona. He knew that no matter what, she was stronger then him. He had left Cabo two days early. When Gary left he had a feeling that he had first ran to Jessica. He didn't know if Fiona knew about the affair or not. He planned to leave her, he just didn't know when or how. He wanted to wait.

John arrived home late at night. He pulled into his driveway and all of the lights were on. Fiona's car was in the driveway.

He stepped out of his taxi and his heart began to race as he took small steps to his front door. He grabbed his keys and hoped the locks weren't changed, and they weren't. His heart slowly began to calm down when he walked inside to a clean home.

Fiona was no where to be seen.

"Fiona? Honey?" He says softly peaking through the different rooms in the home.

"John? Is that you? I'm in here!" She yells from the kitchen

"I'm home early." He says sliding off his shoes.

John walked into the kitchen and saw Fiona sitting at the table with dinner ready to be eaten for one.

Fiona wanted to act as if she knew nothing until she The time was right to confront him.

Fiona struggled to get out of her seat so John rushed to her side and kissed her cheek.

"You're home, early." She smiles

"I needed to come home." He says nervously

Fiona holds out her hand so he could help her up.

"You must be starving, my love. Come sit in my seat and eat." She says

"No, you..."

"John, just sit." She says sitting next to him.

John slowly sits in Fiona's previous seat and looks down at the meal that waited for him.

"This looks delicious." He says taking a bite

Fiona grins then takes his hand.

"Why did you come home so early?" Fiona's plan was to play dumb. She only hoped John would come clean.

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