Chapter 9

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"She isn't crying. Why isn't she crying?" Fiona attempts to say as loud as she can, but it only came out as a whisper. Blood quickly rushed out of Fiona. Both Eileen and Fiona were oblivious to the fact that she was losing blood.

Eileen cries as she swaddles her grandchild into a warm towel. She caresses her cheek then takes her to Fiona. She holds the baby in her arms so Fiona could see her.

Fiona looks at her daughter to see that she had a purple complexion. That's when she then realized that her child was not alive.

"Take her away from me." Fiona cries holding up her hand. She wasn't able to look at her child. She felt so guilty and ashamed. She wanted nothing to do with her child.

Eileen's body trembles as she holds the baby. Tears rush down her cheeks. She looks at Fiona then back at the baby, continuously.

Eileen moves closer to Fiona and holds the child closer to her. With all of Fiona's strength she moves her body away from Eileen. But she just got closer and closer.

"Fiona, hold you daughter... she needs you." Eileen voice cracks

Fiona shakes her head back and forth and sobs. Eileen wasn't going to give up. She just needed Fiona to hold her child.

"No! Get her away from me! She's gone! She's dead!" Fiona yells

Eileen inhales then exhales. She closes her eyes and tries to pull herself together.

"Hold her, Fiona. This is your daughter. A daughter needs her mother. You can bring her back. You know your powers."

"She's better off! I'll be a horrible mother. I don't know one thing about having a child. Go! Take her!" She howls

Fiona refused to look her mothers way. She stared out the window as she slowly lost her strength. But Eileen kept her awake. She grabbed onto her arm and looked deep into her eyes.

"If you don't bring her back, you'll never be able to live with yourself. I'll be here, Fiona. I'll take care of her. Please." She says forcefully. Both of their eyes were swollen. The baby, swaddled in a warm towel was still motionless. It haunted Eileen every second that she held the dead child. She knew that Fiona had the power of resurgence, unlike her. Fiona's power was her only hope.

Fiona then processed everything. She slowly began moving her head towards her child. Once she saw her baby girl her heart crumbled into pieces. She looked so lifeless. Fiona was filled with anger, she knew all along something was wrong. But if something was wrong Eileen wanted her home for this exact reason so she could fix it without question.

"Please..." Eileen repeats herself as she slowly lowers the five pound baby into Fiona's weak arms.

Fiona's trembling body meets with her child's. Her daughters eyes were closed shut. Her small lips were puckered. Her complexion became darker and darker as moments went by.

It was hard for Fiona to process the thought of her child being dead one second and very alive the next. In her mind she knew that her child would be better off away from her. Then, she realized that her mother was right. She wouldn't be able to go on with her life knowing that she could have brought this innocent child back into this world so she could have a chance just like every other child.

Then, Fiona takes a deep breath and nods. Eileen let's out a sigh of relief.

Fiona laid in the bed for a moment not saying a word. She shedded a few tears but it was almost as if she was frozen.

"I can't. I can't!" She cries

"Listen to me, Fiona. You can and you will.
Look at your baby girl, Fiona. Tell her you love her more than the whole world." Eileen says soothingly

Fiona bites down on her lip and closes her eyes.

"I-I love you more than the whole world." She struggles to say.

"Tell her she is the most beautiful baby."

"Why am I doing this?" She cries

Eileen gives Fiona a stern look.

"You are the most beautiful baby." Fiona says

"I'll never leave you-"

"I'll never leave you." Fiona repeats

"Now, tell her you'll be her mother until she dies."

Fiona takes a deep breath then does as her mother says "I'll be your mother until you die."

Eileen backs away from Fiona, allowing her to do what she does best.

Fiona slowly brings her baby's head close to her face. She closes her eyes then kisses her lips softly. In that moment Fiona gave her life to her daughters. Fiona then felt weaker than she had ever been before. She could feel her powers going to her now, living, daughter.

A soft cry came from the baby. Eileen began to sob. As she watched her daughter slowly fall into a daze she took the baby from her arms and cradled her.


-do the lines "I love you more than the whole world
You are the most beautiful baby
I'll never leave you
I'll be your mother until you die" ring a bell?
Coven Episode 5 - 14:30

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