Coffee Shop

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I was awaken by some racket downstairs. So I got up and investigated. I walked downstairs and found Tom watching tv. Tom noticed me walking down the stairs.

"Isn't it quite early for you to be up?"

He asked me.

"Yes but I was awaken by the television."

"I'm so very sorry for waking you."

"It's ok. It's only 6:23 it's not that early."

I sat on the sofa right next to him. Tom was surfing through channels and he saw the movie The Jungle Book.

"This is my favorite movie!"

He shouted with joy.

He stared singing The Bare Necessities. I sang along with him.

"Look for the bare necessities

The simple bare necessities

Forget about your worries and your strife

I mean the bare necessities

Old Mother Nature's recipes

That brings the bare necessities of life"

We continued singing the song. I didn't know all of the lyrics but I knew most of them. After we finished I giggled.

I went upstairs to take a shower. When I was done I put on a Doctor Who t-shirt. It was now 7:35 am. The phone rang. It was Robert Downey Jr. Tom answered it. Is all I heard was Tom say "We would love to!" I didn't quite hear anything else.

"We are going to lunch at Robert's today at twelve!"

Tom shouted upstairs.


I shouted back.

I went into my room to get my phone. I went back downstairs and sat on the couch. Tom went upstairs to get dressed. I went on my phone and scrolled through my twitter. There wasn't really anything interesting. Only one thing caught my attention. A picture of me and Tom walking through the park. There was a title saying: Tom Hiddleston and adopted daughter Lexi. There was another one reading: Tom Hiddleston's daughter in The Avengers Age of Ultron?"Wow" I said to myself. Tom came downstairs I showed him and he told me I would have to get used to this. I just nodded my head. I walked to the fridge to get something to eat really quick. I looked through the fridge and grabbed an orange. I peeled the orange and sat at the table and ate it.It was now 8:56 am.

I didn't have anything to do. I heard Tom come downstairs. He was dressed in dress pants and a white dress shirt. I went upstairs to get ready. I used my hair straightener and made soft beach waves in my hair. I went to my room when I was done and I browsed the closet. I found a black and white striped dress and I put it on with a pair of black flats. I went back downstairs and grabbed my phone.

"Do you want to go to the coffee shop before we go to Robert's?"

"Yes, I would love to!"

Tom grabbed his keys and we left to go to the car. Tom got out of the car because he had left his cell phone in the house. When he got back to the car he drove to the coffee shop. When we got to the coffee shop a group of teenage girls looked at us.


The barista said.

"A large coffee with three sugar and two cream."

Tom said.

"What do you want Lex?"

Tom asked me.

"Uh I would like a medium coffee with two sugar and two cream."

I said.

The barista gave us our coffee. Tom and I walked to a booth in the corner of the coffee shop. I saw the teenage girls look at us again. They started walking towards our table.I thought they were going to ask Tom for his autograph or something but they actually came to me.

"Hi, are you Lexi Hiddleston?"

A girl with blonde curly hair asked.

"Uh yes, why?"

I asked.

"Oh well we were just wondering if we can get a picture with you?"


I looked at Tom.

"I'm sorry girls, she doesn't like having her picture taken."

Tom said.


They said. I mouthed "thank you" to Tom as they walked away. I took a sip of my coffee. Tom and I stayed at the coffee shop and talked about random things until eleven. We through out our garbage and left. We got into the car and drove to Robert's. When we arrived I was a little nervous. I got out of the car and Tom rang the door bell.

Adopted by Tom (Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now