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My alarm clock went off at five thirty.


I mumbled as I got out of the bed. I walked over and into the bathroom. As the water was warming up I brushed my teeth. I got in the shower and washed up. After my shower I put on dark blue skinny jeans and a Gun's n Rose's band tee shirt. When I was fully dressed and ready I went downstairs. Tom was already downstairs like normally. I put my bag on the chair and walked over to the fridge. I browsed through it for a moment until I spotted an apple. I washed the apple and sat at the table and ate it.

"We have to go."

Tom said looking at his watch. I through out the apple core and grabbed my bag. We walked out of the house and into the car. The car ride there was full of chatter about random stuff. When we got there Tom dropped me off at the front door and told me he will be back soon. I walked in the studio and went up to the set. I said good morning to everyone and went to my trailer. I changed out of my clothes and put on the clothes for the movie. Once I was ready I just sat in my trailer until it was time to film. Filming was just about to start so I left my trailer and went on to set. We started filming right away.


Filming ended somewhat earlier today. I went back to my trailer and changed back into my normal clothes. After I said goodbye to everyone I left the set. Once I got outside I spotted Tom's car and walked to it. When I was in and buckled up we drove. In the car Tom and I talked about our day. Once we were home I set my bag down on the chair and went upstairs. I only went upstairs to change into sweatpants and put my hair in a pony tail. Then I went back downstairs and sat down at the kitchen table and did my school work. I was getting a bit frustrated because I didn't understand my math homework. I asked Tom if he could help me with it.

"You do distance over time."

He continued to explain the math problem to me. Once we finished that math problem we moved to the next one. I started to get a hang of this but I still needed some help. After we did the math home work I moved on to global homework. I was good in global so that was easy. After global I did science and then english. When my school work was all done I put my stuff away. I went upstairs for a quick minute to bring my bag up to my room then went back downstairs. It was now six thirty, time for dinner. I made two ham sandwiches and sat at the table to eat them. Right when I sat down there was a knock at the door. Tom had gotten to the door before me. I couldn't see who it was but from the voice I could tell it was Luke, Tom's publicist. I was still at the table eating when he came in. Tom and Luke had a conversation about a upcoming movie. I wasn't really paying attention to them.


It was now eight pm. Luke left at seven thirty. I was sitting on the couch with Tom watching some tv show. After about twenty minutes I started to play on my phone. Suddenly I got a text message it was from Benedict.

Benedict: We don't have work tomorrow, it is canceled because of the rainy weather and we need warm sunny weather for the outside scene.

Me: Ok thank you for informing me.

After my short conversation I told Tom about me not having work. This means if have school tomorrow and I am not skipping. A few minutes later I was getting tired. Wow an hour and a half went by already. I started to get sleepy so I said good night to Tom and went upstairs to get ready for bed. I laid down on the bed and pulled the blankets around me.

Adopted by Tom (Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now