They Colored Me... RED

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"Okay Lamborghini mercy. Yo chick she so thirsty. I'm in that two seat Lambo with your girl she tryna jerk me." My alarm sang. I woke up and took a shower and lotioned up then woke up my little sister Lorie. Lorie is my only sister She is 6 years old and she brings the better part of me out. She is so sweet, and caring . I just love her to pieces."Wakey wakey eggs and bakey.!" I said lightly shaking Lorie. "Good morning Lo.!" She said waking up a little. "Now, Ri can you be a big girl and do your daily routine by yourself. I'm just going to pick out your clothes." I said in the sweetest voice. "Yes I can but first give me a morning hug.!" Lorie said holding out her arms. I gave Lorie a hug and then picked her up and spinned her around. I put her down and said, "Now go get now.!! Get in the shower." In the country-est voice I could do. Lorie laughed and grabbed a towel and a rag to wash up with. Then I picked out my outfit (( When i was done I checked my phone I had 8 voicemails 10 missed calls and 15 text messages ALL FROM MY INSECURE ASS BOYFRIEND JACOB. Do you know what was the last message he sent me. He sent me this shit; "You are with some nigga huh.?! Lotus I know you're with some niggas. Dodgin my calls and texts. I got you at school." Sent at 2:00 A.M. Man he is psychotic. Plus any normal human being was sleep at that time I know I was. After I was done Lorie came out the bathroom all lotioned up and dried off. I gave her a high five then I told her her outfit was on her bed (( She got dressed and I did her hair in a messy bun and put a headband with a bow on her head. Then I put my hair in a messy bun as well then put my bandanna in a bow on my head. I grabbed my phone and my bag and gave Lorie her book bag and went downstairs. My mom was all ready in the kitchen making breakfast. "Y'all running late take a plate and go.!!" she said handing Lorie and I a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash browns. I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek then took the car keys. I dropped Lorie off at the Kindergarten level at our school. My school starts from pre-school all the way to 12 grade. Every grade has there own level in the school. There are 14 levels in the school. I went to my level which was the 13th level. Yes I am a junior. And there were my friends. Reginae, Lourdes, and Aaliyah. "Oh there's Lotus.!" I heard Raginae say loudly. "Hey Ladies.!" I said getting off the elevator. "Girl, Jacob was looking for you." Aaliyah said and as soon as she finished that sentence Jacob walked right over here. "Lotus, I have been looking all over for you.! Why didn't you answer your god damn phone when I called you." He said pissed off. "Woah who in the hell pissed in your cornflakes. And by the way you texted and called me more than 5 times in 2 o'clock in the fucking morning with petty ass shit.!!! I was sleep not with some guy you made up in your mind but sleep.!!" I yelled out enraged. "You just disrespected me Lo I thought you were better than that.!" Jacob said then he smacked the living shit out of me. I was shocked because Jacob and have had our ups and downs. But, never has he put his hands on me. "You fucked with the wrong one.!" I said. Then the bell rang. "Nigga you saved by the bell.! Now be dismissed out of my presence.BYE.!!"

I said with an attitude. The girls and I walked to the bathroom to fix up my face. He left a hand print on my cheek. Us light skin people bruise easily. And where he smacked me was a blue-ish purple. I put on my foundation then some blush. I also added a nude lipstick and some lip gloss. Why did all of this shit have to happen before class. The girls and I walked to our first period. Which was Geography. I walked in as my favorite teacher Ms. Early was writing on the smart board. "Girls you're late.!" Ms. Early said to us. "Umm..We were dropping Lorie off at the Kindergaten level." Lourdes said. "Nice save." I whispered to Lourdes. "Well, don't be pate for my class again take a seat girls." Ms. Early said in stern voice. We took our seats and leaned something.

. ********

It was lunch and I usually sit with Jacob his friends and Nae, Liyah, and Lo. I plan to sit there like usual. But something in my spirit said ,"Don't pull anything with Jacob.!" I decided to listen and I put my lucky switch blade back in the padding of my bra. I bought my lunch with the girls and we sat down. Soon after we sat down the boys did. "So.." Nae said breaking the silence that was long and awkward. "Okay, Lotus do you have something to say to me.?!" Jacob said. "C'mon Jay you have a good girl stop you might lose her." Chresanto said. "Thanks Chris. But Jacob I do have something to say to you. I'm sorry i am with your sorry ass. I think it is unhealthy for me to be in a relationship with you. In a respectful way i think we should we other people." I said in the most respectful way I could say even though I wanted to say, "Nigga, you piss me the fuck off and go hit on some other bitch because I'm done." "Okay, fine by me but uh... Listen to this i got hoes on my dick you was just a rebound from Toni." Jacob said grabbing his shit and walking towards Toni's table. "Ugh I can't stand his motherfucking gut-" I was cut off by the intercom. "Lotus Martinez. Report to the office.!" It said. I walked towards the door to walk to the office. When I got there I said, "I'm Lotus Martinez um.. I was called into the office." "Oh yes, walk straight to Mr. Dumas's office ((principle's office))." His secretary said. I walked to his office and knocked on the door. "Come on in Lotus." I heard him say. I walked in and i sat down. "Lotus.. I don't know how to say this but, your mother was pronounced dead an hour ago." Mr. Dumas said in calm voice. "And, didn't y'all. Tell me this earlier.!!!" I said so mad i felt my face get very hot. "Calm down Ms. Martinez.". "I will not calm down my mother has been dead for an hour now and you are just now telling me.!!!" "I can give you an early dismissal." "Delightful, and tell my sister's teacher I'm coming downstairs to get her." I said walking out of his office. I went back in the cafeteria to my table and said, "Can somebody come with me right now to get Lorie and take us home to pack.?!" "Where yall goin'.?!" Ray asked. Ray is Jacob's best friend and he is actually a gentleman and cares for girls much like Chresanto. Craig Jacob's other friend is much like Jacob ((very conceited, sweet at times, funny, killer smile, and protective)). But, Craig can be quiet Jacob is a motor mouth. "I have to like go move with my dad. No further questions." I said. "Girl, you know we (( pointing to herself, Nae, and Liyah)) got make up work to do. I'm sorry pretty Lady" Lourdes said. "I understand." I replied "Umm... I can go with you Lotus.!" Chris said. "Oh okay thanks.!! " Chris and ai said bye to everyone and went to the kindergarten level to pick up Lorie.We got our things from our lockers and went on Lorie's level.I told Chris to wait outside her classroom. and he did. I got Lorie without an explanation why we had an early dissmissal. well, let me break it down why i didn't need to know my mom's cause of death. See, my mom has been battling cancer since 2000. And everynight my mom would pray with us. But last night she said, "Father God, guide my Lotus in helping her sister through life as a kid, tenn, and adult when i'm not there." Maybe God wanted my mom because she has been through a lot. Or because she tried her best even when she was getting beaten and broken. Or God can show her that unconditional love that she never got. But Fuck God I ain't got time for all that shit.!! He abandoned me with nobody to love but my sister.!! And everybody else left us with mom. My dad is a..."Lotus, do you wanna drive.?Yyou look like you're deep thought." Chresanto said. "Uh... Yea you can drive." I said in a weak voice. "Sissy, what's wrong.?" Lorie said in the cutest voice on earth. "I will explain when we get home." I said on the verge of tears.

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