The Start Of A Series Of Unfortunate Events

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I awoke from my slumber, excited for the summers day, especially as it was the summer holidays. The date was, Friday 4th August, 2012.

I didn't know at the time, that I would remember this date for the rest of my life and replay the events that happened almost everyday.

It was an absolute beautiful day, the birds were singing their melodies, I had music on it was just a normal mundane day.

At around 6pm, I had gotten some snacks from the corner shop, the snacks I had bought was some ready saluted Pringles, popcorn for later on and chocolate; now, for anyone who knows me understand how much of a 'chocoholic' I am. I could eat it all day, everyday; without getting bored whatsoever.

After walking home from the shop, I had put my chocolate and popcorn down for later on in the middle of the night. I decided I was going to go the park, around the corner from me which is also known as 'Bolton Road Park'. I picked up my Pringles and took them to the park with me.

I was twelve at the time. I would sit on the swings or climb up the climbing frame. The usual stuff you do on the park.

It used to be my escape and my relaxing time away from home. It was completely mundane and I loved it. It was the normal thing I had in my life.

Now, I know what you're thinking as a reader 'what a cruel thing to say'. Now don't get me wrong, I love my sister. I would risk my life for her, I would do anything to see her cheeky smile on her face, but you also have to understand how hard it can be to cope, as well as look after her.

The park was my Safe Haven I suppose. Until this day. The day that still haunts my dreams and thoughts almost daily.

I was sat down on the 'kiddy' climbing frame and no other children was on there. I was sat on the climbing frame when I noticed a group of 6 boys around a year and two years older than me.

I noticed that they began to laugh to themselves, point and look at me. As anyone, never mind a child- I'm sure that would of gave you the creeps, but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing me squirm under their penetrating gazes.

Not even five minutes had passed and two of them came over two me. I can not name any real names as for legal reasons; and I myself am not ready to mention their names.

The taller of the two was about 6ft, probably taller but I'm not sure, and the smallest one of the two was about 5'6.

I had noticed the tall one and had seen him around School a couple of times? But it wasn't special. We never noticed each other, not that I know of anyway: I know I didn't.

But he obviously did. He started by asking me some pro active questions, such as. "Have you ever sucked anyone off?", which I replied. "No"

He then began to approach me even more, whilst his friend had this sinister grin on his face.

I turned my face back to the intruder, beginning to feel adrenaline and fear kick in. "Please will you move?" I asked with fear clearly evident in my voice.

"No", he stated firmly, I began to shake. I was trying so hard not to show the fear in my face but I failed.

His other five friends who he was with approached me and circled around the climbing frame. Therefore, leaving me no escape.

"Have you ever been licked out", he then proceeded to ask me.

"No and that's disgusting, leave me alone". I tried to act strong, but my facade was weak.

( AUTOBIOGRAPHY) The Girl Who Did It On Her Own Where stories live. Discover now