Chapter 5

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Hello sunshines!!

How was your week? Mine was great, yesterday was my birthday and I had a great time!

Anyways, hope you enjoy the new chapter!❤️


*Daniella's POV*

I woke up with a terrible headache, the sun was shining straight into my eyes and it was killing me. Wait, the sun? normally the sun is up by the time i get to school!! Fuck, what time is it??


I whisper-yelled at myself. It was already 8 am, which meant first period was already over. I stoop up as quick as I could and took the quickest shower ever! I decided to put on a dress since its cute, easy, and quick to put it on. Mike wasn't on his room so I went to the kitchen to look for him. Since he wasn't anywhere I just drove to school alone.

When I arrived the bell rang indicating second period was over. Everyone ran out of the classrooms at the same time, it almost looked like a movie. I couldn't stand all the noise, my head was killing me! On my way to my locker, I noticed people were glaring at me. I swear I even saw someone point and laugh. What did I do?

I bumped at Mike while I was on my way to chemistry class. I smiled at him and turned to go and talk to him but he hardly looked at me. He just gave me a little smile, looked down and left. Maybe i'm crazy but I think he had a black eye. I seriously need to have a talk with him.


Daphne and I sat together on the cafeteria along with Sarah, a girl from my math class.

They both looked at me with concern on their eyes.

-"Umm.. Is everything okay?" I said a little annoyed.

-"Well you tell me young lady, is there anything you'd wish to tell me?"

Daphne said while Sarah just sat there reading a book called 'Life and its Mysteries'

-"No i don't actually, Why are you and Mike acting so strange today? And why did he had a black eye?!" I said raising a little my voice.

A look of realization spread through her face. But what was it? Why was everyone so mean? What happened yesterday? OMG this is so frustrating!!

-"Uh.. I.. I don't think i should be the one telling you that"

-"But ju-" before i could finish my sentence she stood up and said she had to go.

I looked at Sarah and she just shrugged. I gave her a little -maybe fake- smile and left.


"I'm home!!" i yelled.


I heard the garage door open so I went there. Mike was sneaking out.

"Hey!" I said

"Um.. hi.. I.. I just gotta go...bye!"

"I need to talk to you, where are you going?"

"I've got ... umm... football practice.. yeah"

He wasn't looking at me.

"Mike, first of all season hasn't started"

"I-" i cut him off before he could give me any other excuse.

"We NEED to talk." i said "Look at me Mike, Im your sister, we are best friends, what is going on?"

"Look Daniella, this is kind of hard... um... I.. But I guess you are right"

We walked inside and into my bedroom just in case my parents where home. He sat on my white-wheeled desk chair and i sat on my bed. I looked at him, it was not just a black eye, he had little cuts on his jawline and his knucles were red and purple.

"So.. Spit it out, what happened?" i broke the silence.

"Okay.. First of all you should know that I changed... and I um, I am sorry for what I did"

I nodded.

"You know James?"

"Potter?" I smirked at my own joke.

He looked at me dead serious.

"James Adams?" He asked again.

I nodded again, I was kind of afraid of speaking.

"When I was 16 I took advantage... of um his 14 year old sister" There was an uncomfortable silence.

"She was diagnosed with depression afterwards. Her family was pretty mad at me, specially James." he continued.

"Omg why didnt you tell me? In 2 years it never occured to you to tell me?" I said completly astonished.

"Well i am really embarrased of what i did and we made a deal to never talk about it" he added.

"Okay, and what about your eye?"

"Yesterday at the party he was dancing with you and i tought it was revenge so i went to talk to you but I couldnt find you. When i lastly found you he was holding you while you were throwing up. I got mad, I dont want him around you, so we got in a fight"

Before i could take all this information in he started crying. His elbows on his knees and his face on his hands.

"Im sorry" he kept saying over an over.

"Mike it's okay, i know the real you and that wasnt you, okay? you've done everything for me i know you are a nice person, breathe please"

"Im really sorry Daniella, i dont know why i did all that, and I hate myself for doing that to her!!"

I had never seen my brother like this. It broke my heart to think he kept all this feeling inside him.


Thank you for reading guys!

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Love you!❤️

Important Information

Name and Age:

Edward Brown 18

Daniella Young 17

Miguel Young 18

James Adams 18

Daphne Carson 17 (next chap she'll be 18)

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