My Love, My Hate

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Maxon's POV

I walk up to America's house, and see the Christmas lights up. I smile as I began to knock on the door. 

I immdiately see a tear stricken May, which her eyes red and swollen. 

"Get out!" She yelled at me. I was confused, how did May become like this?

"May-" I tried to say, but she cut me off. 

"No! Go AWAY! Can't you see that I don't want you here?!" She cried out. 

"May, please listen to me, I need to speak to-" 

"America, I know! They all do. All the men that were lined up at our door, just suddenly left." She said. 

There were men after her? 
In that moment, that May said that. I was jealous. Already comparing myself to them. Were they stronger? Handsomer? 

"Just leave." She said, slamming the door in my face, then I heard more cries inside. 


I pace around Carolina, and thought that this was everything I hoped it would be. There was a giant Christmas tree, and Aspen. 

I tried to catch up with Aspen, but all I saw was by the shake of his head. He too, was disapointted in me. 

"Why Kriss? Why not America?" He questioned. 

"Why do you care? Doesn't that mean that you would get America?" I countered. 

"I can't have her since shes scared for her life right now. I'm scared for her life right now." 

I had no idea what Aspen was talking about, but I wanted to know how broken America was now because I sent her home. 

"Think about if the choice you made, was the right one." He said harshly and left. 


I went back to America's house, hoping that it would be better if perhaps May had calmed down. 

I knocked on the door, and this time, May got mad.  Really mad. 

"Why do you keep coming back? Can't you see that I don't want you here? You have made my life miserable!" She scolded. 

I was taken aback. 

"I gave you money. I gave you food. I gave you a person with a new caste to help you eat! To help you have a good life! I gave you fame when America was chosen, and you said yourself that people line up to get an autograph from you and America. You have the chance to yell at me and say I made your life misreable?!" I yelled at her. 

She looked as if she wanted to cry more, but also punch me at the same time. 

"How. Dare. You." She seethed 

"You cannot say that I made your life miserable. I made it 10x better when I came into your life. Nothing can replace what I did for you." 

"You fool!" She shrieked. "There is no amount of food, fame or money in this world that can bring back America! 

I thought about it for a second. Then I realized, that, America, was just down the hall. But with tubes, and wires everywhere. 

This wasn't America anymore.... 

Maxerica; I Regret EverythingWhere stories live. Discover now