Chapter 18

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Aiden POV.

Her body falls from the railing and I hear her scream. She gets closer and closer.

I feel her in my arms. There are wet tears on her face. She is safe.

"I told you i would catch you. I promised, remeber?"

She answers with a kiss. "Thank you." She pulls away and says.

"Anytime." I say playfully. I kiss her again and set her down. She wipes the tears from her face and we walk hand in hand to my car.

"Is this Marshall's?" asks May. "Did you **gasp** steal it?" She asks in a joking way.

"It was for a good cause." I say and wink. She blushes.

We leave the parking lot and head to Salt Lake.


Salt Lake is in view. I pull onto the pavement right by the beach. We hop out and run into the water.

"Hey.. this reminds me of something...something important. Something that totally changed my life." I say as I tap my chin, pretending not to remember our night on the beach.

"I feel the same way! I was with some guy and it was pretty fun. If I just put my finger on the memory of what happened..." May holds in a laugh.

"Maybe I could remind you." I pull her in and kiss her deeply. She puts her arms around my neck and jumps onto me. I carry her down closer to the water and lay her on the beach. I kiss her neck, jaw, and finish with her mouth. I hear a sigh but continue.

We pull away and I am on top of her. Her eyes were closes and they opened when I pulled away. She sees my smiling down at her.

"That reminded me." May says and she laughs. She is so beautiful. I cant even stand it.

"May, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"I believe so." She is blushing. I am just smiling down at her.

I get up and pull her onto her feet. "May, you are more beautiful than this view." I say as i point out into the distance. I lead her over to a bunch of shells. "You are more beautiful than these shells." I look her in the eyes. Her eyes are so bright and full of life. "You are more beautiful than words can describe."

"Aiden I have missed you. I miss us." She is beaming. I cant help but smile at her happiness.

"What are you saying?"

"I am saying that I forgive you. We all make mistakes. When I am with you, I feel like we are the only ones on the planet. You make me so happy." She hugs me and buries her head into my chest.

She forgives me. All of the grudges are gone. We are starting fresh. I wrap my arms around her and pull her in.

"Wanna go swimming?" I ask. May nods and takes off her T-shirt and shorts. I take off my T-shirt and we run into the lake.

We run around for a while. We are sitting on the beach. I have got my arm around her and she is leaning into me. May is wearing her T-shirt again because she got cold. I notice she is wearing the necklace. I pick it up and run my fingers over it. It is perfect for her. It brings out her eyes.

May turns to look at me. Her eyes are filled with curiosity. I cant say it enough. She is truly beautiful. I shake my head, trying to get a hold of what I am feeling.

"Aiden what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing."

"Come on tell me!" She begs.

"Okay. I cant quite put my finger on it though. You are like waking up to a sunny summer day. You are refreshing. You have this sweetness about you that is indescribable. To be honest, I never thought I would see the day when I could wake up and the girl I love would keep surprising me. I keep finding new things about you. And I love each moment I spend with you. I am promising you, that this, what we have, will never change."

May looks up at me. Her hands are over her heart. "Aiden, how can you feel this way about me?"

"I don't know. But all I know is that what I feel is pure. Just like you." Everything feels so intense. She looks like she is about to melt.

She breaks eye contact and looks down. Without warning she kisses me and wraps her hands around my neck. She climbs into my lap and lays her head in my chest.

"Aiden I love you." She said it. She loves me.

"May, I love you too." I kiss her forehead.

She picks her head off of me and looks me directly in the eyes. "no Aiden I really mean it. I thought I meant it before when I said it to you or to others. But I know now what love feels like. I really do love you. I can feel it through my whole body. Its like a new spark in me."

I don't know what to say, so I just kiss her again.

"So what now?" I ask.

"Well, we could run away." She looks me directly in the eyes when she says this.

"May what about the General thing?" I know I sound disappointed.

"I know I want to be with you Aiden. More than anything. I want this more than anything I have ever needed. I want to be with you forever."

"Like you want to get married? Have a family?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes." She says while smiling.

"Well, umm, we are 17." I am shocked. But I feel the same way.

"I know and we will have to wait. But eventually, right?"

"Of course." I say wholeheartedly.


Soon we are both hungry. So I say,"i want to take you to a market where we can eat food. Come on."

I lead her back to the car and we drive to the market where I bought her necklace. It is pretty easy to know where to go because there are like 3 roads.

We arrive at the same market where I bought her necklace. We park the car and hop out.

"Wow this is amazing! There is nothing like this is the nation!" May looks so happy.

"I know right!" I look at her. I can the persistence in her eyes.

We walk around and get some food. We find a seat at a picnic table.

"Aiden this is a perfect second date." May says.

"You are right, this is only our second date."

"Yep." May takes a bite from her sandwich.

Suddenly I hear a gun shot. Screams are everywhere.

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