Chapter 12

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Aiden POV.

The call ended before I could apologize. She makes me so mad! I couldn't help but forget that she is delicate. She is like a flower and I just picked away a petal. She needs support and I just hurt her more. I forgot that she is the one captured.

I am such an idiot. I shouldn't have yelled at her like that. I shouldnt have accused her of all of those things. I saw her be brave and heroic and assumed she could block every punch someone threw at her. I was wrong. She let her guard down to me and I hurt her when she was weak.

She probably hates me. But isnt that what I wanted? I cant just think that if i tell her to stop saying i love you, that everything will be okay. I just ruined everything we had.

Why did she even call? Again, I am such an idiot. She is captured for crying out load. Im sure she wasn't even supposed to call me. She probably risked her life to call me and I just yelled at her. What is wrong with me?

I need to contact her again. I would redial that number, but she probably has left and this would get her in big trouble. I will have to wait when she calls again. Wait, why would she call again? I basically broke up with her. Now I will never get to apologize because no one will go after her. It was just me left. And Marshall.



May POV.

It has been a week since I called Aiden. I have been devoting all of my time to this General thing. I have been informed more about my father and his plans. I am just trying to forget about Aiden but I cant. The conversation still haunts me. Are we done? Is he ever coming back for me? If so, when? Every day i dive deeper in this General business. I have been given more reasons to stay. There is so much pain here.

As of now, I am laying in my bed. I need to make another call. I will call Marshall. I know he would never give up on me like Aiden. I have been completely healed for many days but I still have to pretend that I am injured.

I get out of bed and walk to the office. I still have that envelope with the address on it. I bring that with me.

Lately, I have been coming here to think and to read about this building. I am aware of its secret entrances and fire escapes. I have the map of the building in my mind.

I sit down in the office and pick up the phone. I dial Marshall's number. It rings but there is no answer so I leave a message.

"Hey Marshall. This is May. I have missed you so much and I love you and mom. I have been giving up a little here. I want to come home. I made this call from a office that I broke into. I have some news. I have an address for the building I am in. What I am going to share with you is only for your ears."

I tell him the address and hang up. I wish I could have spoken to him. I could at least know that he is okay.


Aiden POV.

It has been a week since I spoke to May. School has been tough. It is the usual but we are getting closer and closer to picking our zone. I wanted to pick the same zone as May. I still do. I have tried contacting Marshall but he doesn't respond. I think he is ignoring me. In a few hours, it will be 8 a.m. and I will go to his house and talk to him. He really needs a friend right now.

I fall asleep and wake up around 7:15. I get up, shower, and drive to Marshall's house.

I knocked on the door and May's mom let me in.

"Where is Marshall?" I ask.

"He is in his room. You are welcome to go up there." Replies May's mom.

I nod and walk up the stairs. I no longer need a crutch. I am healed. I walk past May's room. I don't remember if I have ever seen it, but it seems different without her there. I walk in her room. It is a light blue with an ocean view. Her things were left untouched and I wasn't going to move them.

It seems like her life was put on pause, but she was picked up and taken away, while the world resumed. I wish she was here.

I have so many things to say to her. After our fight, i cant stop thinking about her. Before, other things would wonder to my mind and I actually some what paid attention to school. Now, I think of nothing else.

I look out her window and imagine her sitting on the beach, daydreaming. I think of the night first I kissed her. It was wrong of me to bring up Colby. I pushed her into cheating on him. This is all my fault.

I leave her room and walk next door to Marshall's. I open the door to find him holding his phone to his ear and his jaw is dropped.

He motions for me to come in. I walk through the door and sit in a chair.

When Marshall puts the phone down he doesn't speak. All he does is get up and hand me the phone. Marshall sits back sown with his head in his hands. I see that there is an unknown number on the ID but i listen anyway. I immediately know it is her.

"Hey Marshall. This is May. I have missed you so much and I love you and mom. I have been giving up a little here. I want to come home. I made this call from a office that I broke into. I have some news. I have an address for the building I am in. What I am going to share with you is only for your ears."

She then stated the address and hung up. I didnt know she broke into the office to call me. She must have been trying to tell me the address. And all I did was yell at her. I rub my forehead. I look around and see a pen on the table.

Marshall breaks the silence. "I can go after her."

I perk my head up. "We go after her."

"No. May said that this address was for my ears only. She counts on me and me alone.....what did you do to her?"

"I umm...well she called me again. She must have been trying to tell me that address but then I yelled at her. We got in a big fight and she hung up." I look down embarrassed.

I look up at Marshall. He looks furious. "What exactly did you yell at her for?"

I cant look him in the eye. "For saying I love you too much when we barely have a relationship."


I get up but then I look him in the eye. "Don't you think I know that? Thats why I NEED to come. I need to apologize and fix this. Please Marshall."

Marshall debates but then comes to an answer in a few seconds. "I think she would be better off without you. Leave and dont come back. You dont deserve May."

"I know that! But I cant stop loving her! I am in love with your sister!"

Marshall is taken back. "I said GET OUT. Leave May alone."

I dont say a word and I leave.

Back at my house, I think of how I am going to get to her. I look down at my wrist and smirk.

I wrote down the address.

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