Chapter 23

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May POV.

I wake with an ache all over. There are doctors around me. Someone shouts, "She's awake!" I blink a few times and look around to see the tacky wall paper of a hospital room.

"How are you feeling?" someone asks.

"Sore." I reply. I sit up and rub my head. I feel a row of stitches above my forehead.

"12 stitches." I just nod. I remeber where I am and what just happened to me.


I need to find him and see if he is alive.

I throw off my covers and begin to move towards the door.

"Whoa whoa whoa. where are you going?" asks a doctor as I plant my feet on the ground.

"I am going to find my friend."

"You can't be serious. You are healing. You were shot." The doctor tries to push me back down.

"That isn't news to me. Now if you'll excuse me-"

"No. You are staying to heal." he looked me in the eyes. He stood between me and the door.

I stared back at him and stated, "I am from the nation. I can heal really fast. I have been hurt far worse then being shot. I am leaving and there is nothing you can do to stop me." I stand up , but he tries to push me back down, so I elbow him in the face. You know, common sense.

He stumbled backwards and stood up and tried to move towards the door. My side still ached like crazy. I griped my side through my hospital gown and push up and began for the door. Another doctor tried to sit me back down but I stepped on his foot and punch him in the face.

Why? I am tired of being confined here.

I run to the door and fling it open to see Aiden look up at me.

"Come on Aiden we are leaving." I regain my strength and walk confidently away from the hospital room.

"What?" he stood up.

"We are getting out of this place. Let's go." My voice trailed off as I winced and clutched my side.

"You okay?" he looked concerned and walked towards me. He offers a hand to me.

"Yeah. Let's just go." I straighten up and take his hand which he then pulls me in for a kiss.

Colby coughs loudly. "Guys, yeah I am right here."

We separate and Aiden scoops me up and begins carrying me away. I have my arms around his neck and my head against his chest.

Colby stands up and begins to say something but I cut him off. I lift my head up and say, "not you."

"But May-" he looks hurt.

"No buts Colby. You had your chance." I pull away from Aiden and walk towards Colby. "From the beginning I was yours, and yet you cheated on me with Mimi. That was when you first lost me." I am a foot away from him.

"No. I lost you the day I met you! you already liked Aiden. I could tell, yet I managed to win your heart."

He grabbed my arms and pulled me in so fast for a hard kiss. I pull away immediately and slap him in the face.

"Plus, you shot me." I say harshly. I walk back to Aiden who picks me up and carries me gently down the hallway.

Then we heard a voice shout, "WHERE DID THEY GO?"

Then Colby's, "They went that way."

Aiden and I looked at each and the he ran me down the hallway and towards the elevator.

We just made an enemy.


Aiden POV.

We run into the elevator, push the button, and open the door and run to the car by May's room.

I still have her in my arms. I say a look of determination on her face.

When we reach the car and I set her down in he from seat. I run around, get in the car, and drive towards the one place I know where to go, Salt Lake.

May falls asleep almost instantly. Even though she heals amazingly fast, she still needs a ton of sleep.

Once we arrive, I get out of the car and walk around. We need to hide the car before we make our next move.

I walk around and find a good place to hide the car. I run back and make sure May is still there. She is which I good.

I see that she has stitches on the side of her forehead. Even now, she still is the most beautiful girl in the world.

I also notice that she has her hospital night gown, which can't be comfortable. I realize that I am still wearing the clothes I have been wearing for the past 2 days. We both need more clothes.

I drive the car to the patch of trees and get out. I check the time on the dashboard to see that it says 6 pm. I am hungry and soon the sun will set.

I rub May's shoulder to wake her up.

"Are we safe?" she mumbles.

"For now. How are you feeling?"

"Sore. Really sore, but I think that it is getting better. I am kind of hungry. Where are we?" May sits up and seems to realize that she is in her hospital gown, which now has a rip and blood on it.

"I could also use some clothes." She laughs as she said it. I haven't heard her laugh in what seems like forever.

I crack a smile. "We are at Salt Lake. I want to take you to a market to get clothes and food. Let's go."

I drive us to a different market. I open the car door for May. I hate to say it, but she is a bit of a mess. I catch my reflection in the car to see I am not looks so good myself. People will think we are crazy.

I take her hand and lead her into the market. She is clutching her side so I stop and look at her.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

" fine." She manages to say between breaths.

"Oh who am I kidding, making you walk?" I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to a food stand.

We order our food and move to a picnic table. May seems on edge.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask.

"I've had a rough day." Her voice cracks. I bring her in for a hug and kiss her forehead. She cries into my shirt.

I feel like this is all we are. Blood, sweat, and tears.

"Aiden I just don't know what to do anymore." She grips my shirt tightly and I hold her closer.

"We will get through this." I assure her.

"I just want to run away." She cries.

"May, we can't just run away from our problems."

"We? This is my problem." she says she pulls away.

"No, not any more. We are a team."

She kisses me and I kiss her back. I bring her close and put my hands on her hips. She puts her hands on my chest.

"Hey you two get a room!" shouts a recognizable voice. I pull away from May to confirm who I think it is.

"What is it-" asks May softly. She stops when she sees him too.

In front of me is my best friend Adam.

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