Chapter 21

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Aiden POV.

May is alive and I couldn't be more grateful.

I spent the night at the underground hospital with her.

I wake up from the couch and check on her. She is sleeping soundly. I walk into the hallway and get a cup of coffee and wait in the waiting room for Colby, Jason, and Patrick.

After almost loosing her again, I realize more now than ever that I need to keep her from this harm.

I have a plan. I will take May from here, once she is healed, and bring her far away. We will build a life together.

Colby, Patrick, and Jason arrive. Colby is carrying a flower.

"How is she?" Asks Colby.

"She is alive. Barely. Thanks to you." I say harshly.

"I'm sorry ok! I am so sorry! I would trade places in a matter of seconds!" he yells.

I stand up. "Hey! this isn't my fault! you are the one who shot her! why are you guys even here!"

"Marshall, I think that we should tell you and May at the same time. Come, let's go check on her." Says Patrick.

We all get up and go to her room.


May POV.

I wake up and look for Aiden, but he is gone. Did he leave me here all alone? I hope not.

My side aches, but it feels a lot better than yesterday. Oh yeah, I heal really fast or something.

I want to leave this dumb hospital. I know I have to hide my healing or something so I will be here for months, which means no choosing a zone for me. It all seems like a trap.

I am struck with emotions and I cry into a pillow. It's all over.

"May what's wrong?" asks Aiden.

I dry my tears and just shake my head. He comes and puts an arm around me. "It's all going to be okay." he kisses the top of my forehead.

"I will leave you all alone." Says Patrick and he leaves.

Colby looks away. He looks like he is about to cry and I think it is about me with Aiden. But I am wrong.

"May I am so sorry okay! this is the worst thing I could ever do and I hate myself for it! I'm so sorry!" Colby yells. He is yelling and crying.

I don't understand and I give a puzzled look.

"For God's sake he shot you! Colby shot you!" says Jason.

I get wide eyed. My old boyfriend shot me. I feel betrayed. He put me in this hospital and I can't get out. I can't even look him in the eye.

Aiden's grip around me tightens.

"May just look at me! Please!" yells Colby.

I pull my head to look at him. I have a look of disgust and hatred.

I see his lip is quivering. What a baby. He wasn't the one who was shot. I was. He isn't in pain. I am.

"Please May I-" stammers Colby.

"No. Just leave me alone. Why are you even here?" I interrupt.

"Thats why we came." Says Jason. "There is something happening inside the Nation's walls. Another rebellion. They have canceled all school and recruited literally everyone to help calm them down, but it isn't working. They think that the reason the rebellion is because of you, May. They think that the home base is here, and the government is sending us in to destroy it. It's all really complicated..."

I can't even register what I am hearing. "So, you are saying that this is a four sided war?" I ask.

"What do you mean four sided?" asks Jason.

"You have to promise not to say anything, but there is a rebellion against the main rebellion. It's weird because they have almost the same intentions." I say.

"Then Yes." Replies Jason. "I know it's crazy, and I barely understand myself, but they will eventually find you and bring you back. The government doesn't even know what to do. Some how, their secrets are being spilled, and they weren't really looking for you because someone here threatened to spill the secrets."

"So what are we supposed to do?" asks Aiden.

"Well they are definitely going to recruit you Aiden. May, along with the other girls, will be nurses and such. That's what Jane, Mimi, and Ella are."

"Wait, are they here? in the Drift?" I ask.

"Yes, along with Adam and Daniel. The tables have turned May, and now, everything is different. It isn't just about good grades and other stupid high school drama. It's about life or death, for everyone." Concludes Jason.

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