Back To My House

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Mason ignores what he heard. "You walk really slow." He called out to Liam, who was about ten steps behind (or in front seeing as how Mason was still walking backwards) him.

"No. You just have abnormally long legs. It's like you're a giraffe or something." Said the boy who held the small camera they were told to film on. He moved the camera to show Mason's legs.

"You're short." He smiled. "And my face is up here, in case you forgot."

"I'm not stupid." Liam rolled his eyes. "Besides, who would want to see that." He puts the camera back to his face anyway.

As the two traveled to Masons house, jokes were made, conversations held. Despite being nothing alike, the two quickly got along. It felt good to be able to talk to someone who wouldn't judge you; someone who would listen.

Once at the tall oak door, Mason fumbled with his keys.

"It's the one that opens the door. Did you try that one yet?" Liam said, trying his hardest not to be helpful.

"Wow I don't think I have. Let me just try the other thousand keys I have." Masons enticing eyes rolled.

"Stop being dramatic and hold this." Liam shoved the camera to Mason and grabbed the keys. "It is way too cold for this; I can see my breath." After a short forty seconds, Liam had the door open. "Just so you know, it's the one that has the word 'door' written on it." He tossed back the keys as jingles filled the air.

Mason handed back the camera. "Oh. Must've forgotten."

"Mm. That's nice. Now walk in so I can watch you, in a not creepy way."

"I'm scared. Not really; what could you do?"

"I could read a book about... science." Liam said as he filmed Mason walking into his home.

"I really should be scared. Science is bad."

"Oh hush." Liam walked in, making sure to stay far enough away so that he could get enough of Mason's body in the frame. "So what do you normally do around this time?"



"Who's here, what I feel like going, you know."

This time, Liam did know. It was the first thing Mason said that Liam could relate too. "Okay. Well what you do if you had a nerdy stranger in your house?"

"Never happened to me before ." He shrugged. "What do you wanna do?"

"Dunno." This was a lie. He knew exactly what he wanted to do but he wasn't going to. He wasn't ready for that kind of pain. Not this soon.

As Mason opened his mouth to talk again, a stale beeping noise interrupted him. "I'll be right back." He said before running off, leaving Liam in the living room.

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